You may feel your RICA was for nothing…but surely you learned a lot through the Process.
I was born and raised a Catholic and to this day I still don’t know everything about our Catholic Faith. I’m now 51. Even as a Craddle Catholic and all the CC classes I went through we didn’t learn everything…but the most important things I do know.
Do I understand all the Catholic Vocations and all the vows or “rules” that go with them? Nope, but I don’t have to, to be a Catholic.
The Vocations that others choose or are called to are a “gift” to them. Just like my Vocation is being married to my husband.
A Nun or a Priest wouldn’t take the same Vows that I do, nor would they want to. Nun’s and Priest enjoy their Vocation, it’s not a burden, (although to us it may seem they are missing out on marriage, but’s that’s only because we don’t understand.)
My Aunt was a Nun…she loved it! My cousin is a Priest…he loves it. Neither of them ever felt they were “missing out” or “forced” to take the vows they did. ( I know cause I asked, because like you I once thought it wasn’t fair.) Yet they explained they weren’t missing out on anything. My cousin the Priest explained it to me like this. Not everyone want’s to be a Doctor or a Nurse. Not everyone has a need for a sexual relationship. (did my cousin, the Priest know what I was thinking…of course he did. We are first cousins and also good friends)
Please also keep in mind if ever a Nun or Priest want to leave their Vocation…they can/could. They are not hog tied or forced. They want to because they Love it, just like I couldn’t ever be anything but a wife, mom, or Nana. (grandma). I love my Vocation.
Please keep in mind all Catholics are learning more and more about our religon as we go. Does this mean we aren’t good Catholics, heavens no. It means we are all at different stages of what we are learning…but without a doubt, we know the basics.
The question you need to ask yourself is this…Do you believe the basic foundations of the Catholic Church teachings? If yes, then you are on your way.
You don’t have to know Everything to be in Good Catholic Standing with the Chruch. (like I said, I don’t know all the Canon Laws and up to a year ago I didn’t even know I could get a copy of the Catholic Catechism. If you get a copy of this, it will help you a lot. )
I hope some of my posting helps.
I was born and raised a Catholic and to this day I still don’t know everything about our Catholic Faith. I’m now 51. Even as a Craddle Catholic and all the CC classes I went through we didn’t learn everything…but the most important things I do know.
- The Catholic Church is the True Chruch Jesus established. (I was away from the Catholic Church for 25 years looking for the True Christain Religion…my search led me home…it was a long road, but I’m back.)
- I believe in the Creeds.
- I believe in the Trinity.
- I believe in Jesus real presence in the Eucharist. I believe in the Mass.
- I believe that Mary is the Mother of God, (when God was in the human form of Jesus. Since God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same, that is why Catholics say, Mary is the Mother of God.)
- The Catholic Church is the Only Church that can Trace it’s Roots clear back to Jesus, with no gaps. The test of time of over 2,000 years says a lot. No other Church can prove their “roots”.
Do I understand all the Catholic Vocations and all the vows or “rules” that go with them? Nope, but I don’t have to, to be a Catholic.
The Vocations that others choose or are called to are a “gift” to them. Just like my Vocation is being married to my husband.
A Nun or a Priest wouldn’t take the same Vows that I do, nor would they want to. Nun’s and Priest enjoy their Vocation, it’s not a burden, (although to us it may seem they are missing out on marriage, but’s that’s only because we don’t understand.)
My Aunt was a Nun…she loved it! My cousin is a Priest…he loves it. Neither of them ever felt they were “missing out” or “forced” to take the vows they did. ( I know cause I asked, because like you I once thought it wasn’t fair.) Yet they explained they weren’t missing out on anything. My cousin the Priest explained it to me like this. Not everyone want’s to be a Doctor or a Nurse. Not everyone has a need for a sexual relationship. (did my cousin, the Priest know what I was thinking…of course he did. We are first cousins and also good friends)
Please also keep in mind if ever a Nun or Priest want to leave their Vocation…they can/could. They are not hog tied or forced. They want to because they Love it, just like I couldn’t ever be anything but a wife, mom, or Nana. (grandma). I love my Vocation.
Please keep in mind all Catholics are learning more and more about our religon as we go. Does this mean we aren’t good Catholics, heavens no. It means we are all at different stages of what we are learning…but without a doubt, we know the basics.
The question you need to ask yourself is this…Do you believe the basic foundations of the Catholic Church teachings? If yes, then you are on your way.
You don’t have to know Everything to be in Good Catholic Standing with the Chruch. (like I said, I don’t know all the Canon Laws and up to a year ago I didn’t even know I could get a copy of the Catholic Catechism. If you get a copy of this, it will help you a lot. )
I hope some of my posting helps.