My RCIA sponor dislikes me-what should I do?

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Well she could be catechized, she says she was not confirmed which would be also be required to marry in the church, and/or receive the sacrament of marriage
I’m not sure if you were talking about Trishie or my bestie.

Trishie’s OP makes it sound like her friend’s conversion got her interested. I don’t think she mentioned marriage?

My bestie is single so she didn’t need to go through RCIA for a wedding day. She went because she had a conversion. 😃
Hello Everyone!
 I came back and looked at all the nice things you all said about my troubles with RCIA. I left the forum for a bit while I sorted through everything-thank you for being concerned about my absence. I actually stepped away from RCIA and I don't know if I have the strength to continue towards confirmation. I really would have liked to have continued but my sponsor really disliked me and the director of the program was not interested in asking another sponsor to assist me. I tried to hang in there but it's hard when your sponsor won't even make eye contact with you and refuses to even have any physical contact with you. My last class was 2 Thursdays ago and I left the room in tears after getting "daggers" thrown at me from my sponsor.
I can honestly say I did nothing to this person and tried to be charitable. I reached out to her in emails and shared very intimate details about my faith journey in the hopes that she could see past whatever it was she found wrong with me-nothing worked. I never ever use the race card but the only real difference between she and I is ethnicity. She is white and I’m Hispanic. Honestly, I don’t know what else it could have been. I’m broken hearted and angry. I always approach people with an open heart and mind and try not to write anyone off. I am a cradle catholic and am entitled to receive the Eucharist etc but I wanted to complete all the sacraments and everyone I spoke to advised me to go to RCIA because it would be more enriching for me. I don’t want to go bouncing around to other parishes-so my only option is to attend confirmation courses at the cathedral in downtown Sacramento. But now I’m gun shy.

I guess the lesson to be learned is don’t let anyone assign a stranger to you for such an important faith journey. Even though we are all supposed to be “one” without racial barriers, just like secular life, you will find that even good Christians can’t leave their prejudices outside the parish door. .

Once again thanks for the prayers. I’ll make my way somehow.

Hugs Take Care M.

This happens a lot. Many RCIA programs are not just operated by volunteers but by volunteers who have donated more time, energy, and money than they wish to have given. Simply they have had enough and want to leave yet each year the priest or in your case the sister begs them to return for another year. Yet that by no means should stop you from completing your sacraments. Let’s look at a couple of things 1) The primary duties of Sponsors are centuries out of date. Even though a sponsor is a good thing today the role is about the method of teaching not about the original duties. 2) You have a sponsor from your baptism; it is possible to use a proxy to stand in at Sacramento for that existing sponsor. 3) Sit down and talk to the local Priest 4) RCIA and sponsors are not the only way to achieve your goal, an issue to discuss with the Priest.

Hope that helps
I’m not sure if you were talking about Trishie or my bestie.
Trishie’s OP makes it sound like her friend’s conversion got her interested. I don’t think she mentioned marriage?
My bestie is single so she didn’t need to go through RCIA for a wedding day. She went because she had a conversion. 😃
Just and FYI , many people in RCIA attend because they ask for marriage in the church or the sacrament of marriage only to find one or both are lacking sacraments. This develops because they made first communion and reconciliation at the age of 7 then had no driving need for confirmation until they prepared to marry

hope that helps
Hi Mary!

I am glad that you are back. PLEASE don’t give up! Please take heed of Texas Roofer’s advice, and speak with your Priest!

Quite frankly, your sponsor sounds as if she has some kind of a problem that has nothing to do with you. For her to behave in such a hostile manner may point to an emotional problem. Yes, there are people with prejudices, but for anyone to carry it to such a level, as she has, is an indicator of a deeper problem. Please forgive the poor woman, and move on elsewhere to complete the program. As for the director of the program, we all know someone who should NOT be in a managerial position, and this director is obviously one of them. Forgive him/her also. It seems that the enemy is working overtime to throw wrenches in your march towards a closer relationship with God. I don’t think that I need to remind you that God always wins, and that He will guide you if you let Him. Let go and let God. Get on your knees tonight, and hand over the situation to God.

Merciful Father, thank You for giving Mary the strength to complete the program. Thank You for knocking the wind out of Satan, and keeping him at bay while Mary completes her program. Thank You Father for making Mary’s road smoother for the good journey she has chose towards You Lord. Amen.

Please let us know what happens! We will all be cheering when we hear the good news of your having completed the program! Remember, some earthly beings may not favor you, but our great and supernatural Lord does favor you! You are his Warrior Princess! Take your shield and march towards our Lord! He will guide you every step of the way! God bless!
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