My reality is valid, has to be since it's the only one I have

Yeh, people disagree w/ me all the time about just .. so many things. I don't have a problem with that at all, but some people act like I am (and ppl like me are) just plain stupid to believe/think or feel as I (we) believe/think/feel.

I was on this one forum some time ago where people just POUNCED on me just for being Catholic. You know how it goes: Catholics think the pope can't sin.. Catholics call priests Father and that is VERBOTEN! Repetitious prayer (rosary), ditto.

They didn't even care that it was the rosary that made me a Christian, meaning an objective Christian, not some fake Christian who claims to love Jesus but then doesn't listen to, much less obey, anything He says.. (which is kind of where I was at b4 praying the rosary),

No, the rosary made me a strong Christian-- when nothing, and I mean NOTHING else could. Before discovering the rosary, I had tried this "faith community" and that one, but nothing but the rosary worked, and then I returned to the Church (Sunday Mass, then eventually daily Mass). I was raised in the Catholic Church but had fallen away from it.. and so.. good things happened after praying the rosary, but the ppl at that forum (not all, but the non-Catholics) were just egregiously abusive and hateful. I guess they think that because they don't accept Catholicism, that makes it right to abuse Catholics (verbally.. some were even obscene in attacking me and other Catholics there).

I have more to say, but I'll save that for later...
Welcome! And very well said. We have so many to pray for. The world is very envious and desires that you agree with them by believing in everything except Christianity, or nothing at all - and especially not Catholicism. At some level, it strikes me as an inferiority complex of some type. They want you to believe less, like them. They want you to do less, like them. They want you to talk about sports and weather, like them. Holiness means being "set apart" and we suffer for that difference. Ah, but only Christ shows the meaning and the value of suffering. Praise God!
Thanks. The only problem is, I forgot what else I was going to say. . kinda figures.
Maybe I'll remember, but in any case you are so right on about people wanting you to be.. a cookie cutter person: like everyone else. But that's a lie bc we are all different... not as in LGBT versus straight- different but you know what I mean.
In some ways, we are all the same. Maybe that's why the Church is called Universal (Catholic) because we are all the same in the sense that we all suffer when we commit sin, esp mortal sin and the remedy is the same for everyone: confession and penance.
This brings up another thing I wanted to say (although I could get in trouble for mentioning some of my negative experiences in the Church? I don't know. I'm new here, but it's the truth that I have not been to many good confessions in the last few years. I had a very good experience w/ an SSPX priest about 2 years ago and haven't committed any mortal sins since then, but would still like very much to go to confession.
Thanks. The only problem is, I forgot what else I was going to say. . kinda figures.
Maybe I'll remember, but in any case you are so right on about people wanting you to be.. a cookie cutter person: like everyone else. But that's a lie bc we are all different... not as in LGBT versus straight- different but you know what I mean.
In some ways, we are all the same. Maybe that's why the Church is called Universal (Catholic) because we are all the same in the sense that we all suffer when we commit sin, esp mortal sin and the remedy is the same for everyone: confession and penance.
This brings up another thing I wanted to say (although I could get in trouble for mentioning some of my negative experiences in the Church? I don't know. I'm new here, but it's the truth that I have not been to many good confessions in the last few years. I had a very good experience w/ an SSPX priest about 2 years ago and haven't committed any mortal sins since then, but would still like very much to go to confession.

You need to go to confession more often than that. The Church requires at least once a year. Once a month isn't too often, and for some, might not be often enough. Everyone is different. I try to go once a month.

There are plenty of good confessors out there. Seek out one who accepts all of the traditional teachings of the Church, and go to him. There's no reason not to.
H dad sounds a little irritated w/ me! Well, for one thing, I have heard (but who can trust what one hears today in some Catholic Churches?!) that one only has to go to confession once a year OR if one commits mortal sin, which I have not done for... can't recall but more than one decade, maybe 2. Actually, when I think about this, that seems like a virtual miracle... considering how abysmally and egregiously SINFUL the world is, esp in the last 3 years..
I have not found it to be true that there are MANY good confessors. If a priest gets annoyed with you in the confessional for no valid reason... yeh, I don't consider that a good confessor (has happened to me many times). And why do I get the feeling that priests these days (non-traditional ones) do NOT get highly irritated at the big sinners who go to confession... just the ones who commit venial sins? It's just a thought... I wouldn't know, obviously.. but the world, in case anyone hasn't noticed, has gone berserk. Up is down, down is up... good people are bad, bad ones are acceptable.. Yikes
H dad sounds a little irritated w/ me! Well, for one thing, I have heard (but who can trust what one hears today in some Catholic Churches?!) that one only has to go to confession once a year OR if one commits mortal sin, which I have not done for... can't recall but more than one decade, maybe 2. Actually, when I think about this, that seems like a virtual miracle... considering how abysmally and egregiously SINFUL the world is, esp in the last 3 years..

Not irritated, just reminding you that the Church prescribes that you must go to confession once a year. Please see my other post to this effect.
I have not found it to be true that there are MANY good confessors. If a priest gets annoyed with you in the confessional for no valid reason... yeh, I don't consider that a good confessor (has happened to me many times). And why do I get the feeling that priests these days (non-traditional ones) do NOT get highly irritated at the big sinners who go to confession... just the ones who commit venial sins? It's just a thought... I wouldn't know, obviously.. but the world, in case anyone hasn't noticed, has gone berserk. Up is down, down is up... good people are bad, bad ones are acceptable.. Yikes

Not a lot of people go to confession anymore. When I went a couple of weeks ago, there were maybe ten other people there. People haven't quit sinning, they just either don't know what sin is, or don't think they commit it, and as to mortal sin, few people even know what that is anymore. Many people imagine themselves to have been immaculately conceived or something. And if someone thinks that anything they do is right, merely by the fact that they do it or want to do it, that nothing they ever want to do is wrong, then they really don't have a conscience. That borders on being a psychopath.

As a rule, a Catholic should go to confession once a month. Also to consider, going once a month puts you in line to be able to obtain a plenary indulgence anytime during the month, if you fulfill the other three conditions (the indulgenced work itself, receiving communion, prayers for the Holy Father's intentions, and freedom from attachment from all sin, even venial). There's someone on another forum who makes an apostolate of receiving a plenary indulgence every day (normally you can only obtain one per day). These can always be applied to souls in purgatory (though not to other living people). The confession has to take place around 20 days before or 20 days after the indulgenced work, and since no month has 40 days, you're always covered.

Freedom from attachment to all sin (even venial) is more a matter of the will than anything else. You'd be astonished at how such a resolution enables you to avoid even venial sin.
Not a lot of people go to confession anymore. When I went a couple of weeks ago, there were maybe ten other people there. People haven't quit sinning, they just either don't know what sin is, or don't think they commit it, and as to mortal sin, few people even know what that is anymore. Many people imagine themselves to have been immaculately conceived or something. And if someone thinks that anything they do is right, merely by the fact that they do it or want to do it, that nothing they ever want to do is wrong, then they really don't have a conscience. That borders on being a psychopath.

As a rule, a Catholic should go to confession once a month. Also to consider, going once a month puts you in line to be able to obtain a plenary indulgence anytime during the month, if you fulfill the other three conditions (the indulgenced work itself, receiving communion, prayers for the Holy Father's intentions, and freedom from attachment from all sin, even venial). There's someone on another forum who makes an apostolate of receiving a plenary indulgence every day (normally you can only obtain one per day). These can always be applied to souls in purgatory (though not to other living people). The confession has to take place around 20 days before or 20 days after the indulgenced work, and since no month has 40 days, you're always covered.

Freedom from attachment to all sin (even venial) is more a matter of the will than anything else. You'd be astonished at how such a resolution enables you to avoid even venial sin.
well, not to be "prideful" or whatever, but I manage to avoid venial sin fairly well. I live a boring life, or at least one most people would think is boring. I also work for Jesus from the time I get up to the time I go to bed, except when I'm doing the boring necessities of life like eating and etc... I do stumble sometimes when I think about a certain person or other and have negative thoughts toward same, when really I should be praying for the person but I'm getting better at doing that. There are many reasons I don't want to go to a NO priest.. mostly, I've had bad experiences. I think I know why, but it is a LONNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG story and you may not believe it if I told you. But I'm thankful for this conversation bc I just remembered an important video I watched on You Tube. It was about Fr Stephen Scheier (spelling?) and his "near death experience" of being judged. You may want to check it out.. He died for a time and met Jesus who condemned him to Hell.. interesting story that shows how Mary intercedes for us sinners...
well, not to be "prideful" or whatever, but I manage to avoid venial sin fairly well. I live a boring life, or at least one most people would think is boring. I also work for Jesus from the time I get up to the time I go to bed, except when I'm doing the boring necessities of life like eating and etc... I do stumble sometimes when I think about a certain person or other and have negative thoughts toward same, when really I should be praying for the person but I'm getting better at doing that. There are many reasons I don't want to go to a NO priest.. mostly, I've had bad experiences. I think I know why, but it is a LONNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG story and you may not believe it if I told you. But I'm thankful for this conversation bc I just remembered an important video I watched on You Tube. It was about Fr Stephen Scheier (spelling?) and his "near death experience" of being judged. You may want to check it out.. He died for a time and met Jesus who condemned him to Hell.. interesting story that shows how Mary intercedes for us sinners...

So go to an SSPX priest instead (they have faculties to hear confessions), or one of the canonically regular TLM priestly societies such as the FSSP or ICKSP. But make going to confession frequently a priority. Tell the priest what you've said here (about being able to avoid venial sin). If all else fails, you can simply confess sins from your past life --- they've been forgiven, to be sure, but you have to confess at least one venial sin for a valid confession, and past sins can be confessed, even in a broad, general sense.
So go to an SSPX priest instead (they have faculties to hear confessions), or one of the canonically regular TLM priestly societies such as the FSSP or ICKSP. But make going to confession frequently a priority. Tell the priest what you've said here (about being able to avoid venial sin). If all else fails, you can simply confess sins from your past life --- they've been forgiven, to be sure, but you have to confess at least one venial sin for a valid confession, and past sins can be confessed, even in a broad, general sense.
well, I understand what you're saying but I think it is always best, for me or anyone, to focus on sins of the present because, as you say, all the others were forgiven, even those not specified in previous confessions... or so I've been told. Again, it is hard to always know what is official Catholic teaching and what is some... new innovation. Innovation has been the name of the game since Vatican 2. Again, sometimes I do harbor some very negative thoughts toward certain people when really, I should be offering up sufferings for them to avoid Hell, as per the request of Mary, Fatima 1917. I do that but I can't say I do it OFTEN :(