Everyone -
Thanks to those of you who have posted
arguments and have tried to engage in real interaction with me. Though we disagree, I respect that. I’ll respond to the meaningful posts when I can.
Ella -
I’ve read the Envoy forums for a long time, and I’ve seen Patrick/BT make it quite clear that he does not believe Catholics are Christians.
I do not believe Catholic
theology is Christian. I think there are many Roman Catholic
people who are trusting in Christ alone for their salvation and hence they are Christians. I do not make blanket judgements and say things like “all Catholics are unsaved” and “all Presbyterians are saved.” People who are trusting in the finished work of Christ and His righteousness
alone to get them to heaven, no matter what label they wear be it Protestant or Catholic or Orthodox, are Christians.
He’s used the ‘celibacy is a doctrine of demons’ argument,
Indeed - and no one was able to refute it.
among other familiar canards. He said that the Mass is a blasphemy of the cross of Christ.
Because it is. To say that the Catholic Eucharist is a perpetuation of the cross of Christ and is an actual propitiatory sacrifice for sins is a blasphemy and an insult against the cross-work of Christ. I stand by that accusation.
So, I can’t see how he’s getting so upset at Beng’s posts. Nothing Beng has said has been half as bad as some of the stuff BT has said on other forums. He just hasn’t been on this one long enough to say some of those same things. Unless he’s changed his mind… which I doubt.
When I said that about the Mass, that was in response to a poster saying he had paid to have a mass said in my name. Sorry, that is offensive to me. My Savior bore my sins in his body on the cross once for all - 2000 years ago - and then he rose again from the dead and ascended to heaven. After He died on the cross, He was buried and then rose again. He is not still on the cross - that event is in the past - it is over - “it is finished.” He
has made reconciliation and has
sat down at the right hand of God. Read the book of Hebrews - chapters 5-10.
Beng’s posts do not contain arguments for the most part - only insults against me. This is, of course, indicative of a lost cause and demonstrates his inability to respond with argumentation to defend his perspective. I’ve seen many like him. You present them with arguments and facts and they respond by spitting at you… because that’s all they can do.
Again - thanks for those of you who have tried to make this thread meaningful - I appreciate that. I know many thoughtful, knowledgeable Catholic people whom I love dearly and respect. I don’t hold them responsible for the behavior of people like Beng.
BouleTheou (Patrick)