re: candidates being dismissed from mass to join the Breaking of the Word:
Why Candidates are Not Dismissed
Code:The dismissal formularies in the ritual book never include baptized candidates, who once having celebrated the Rite of Welcoming, are to "regularly [attend] Sunday Eucharist "(RCIA 413). The ritual book makes this distinction because the candidates are already baptized, while the catechumens are not. The rationale for not dismissing the candidates in this case is a contemporary expression of the practice of the early Church in which the catechumens were dismissed prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist because they were not yet baptized. The candidates, however, "are already part of the community because they have been marked by Baptism" (RCIA 412), and thus their presence at the Liturgy of the Eucharist is appropriate, even though they cannot yet receive the Eucharist.
Code:However, since the candidates, like the catechumens, cannot partake of the Eucharist, they can also benefit from additional nourishment by the Word of God. Reflection on the Word sessions, therefore, should optimally be scheduled to make it possible for candidates who have already participated in Sunday (or the Saturday vigil) Mass, or are planning to do so later that day, to join the catechumens at the dismissal, if they are able. This necessarily places an additional time burden on the candidates who desire the experience of the Reflection on the Word session.
from RCIA Leader’s Guide, Association for Catechumenal Ministry, p. 64