My view of 100% pro-life

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I take what I call a 100% Pro-life position and define this on my pro-life webpage at URL:
I see many issues within 100% pro-life and try to define each of them… Some (like protecting innocent life in the womb) are more important than others.

I am curious about how others feel about my definition of 100% pro-life.

If you respond, please indicate whether you feel you are 100% pro-life (in your view) as well as your comments. This would make discussion a lot easier as we would know better what position you are reflecting.
probably not a bad way to get people to look at your website… i didn’t… but i can’t see any reason to kill an unborn innocent child… 👍
space ghost:
probably not a bad way to get people to look at your website… i didn’t… but i can’t see any reason to kill an unborn innocent child… 👍
Pro-life is a lot more than opposing abortion.
I found your positions on a variety of issues to be consistently pro-life. The explanations are brief, but to the point.
Paul W:
The explanations are brief, but to the point.
True, I wanted a page to express it all concisely that people can refer to quickly. I did not want to write a book on it, which it could easily become.
And I have one question.

What situations are you thinking about in the Parental Rights section?

Marys daughter:
And I have one question.

What situations are you thinking about in the Parental Rights section?
Excellent question. You found a hole in my document. My statement of “as parents have a moral obligation to care for their children, they should be granted by the state all rights necessary to safeguard and raise their children” is inadequate.

So I will be adding another question in that section “What are the rights of Parents?” and try to answer it. I will need to research and pray over it to get a good answer. :hmmm: :gopray2:

I will update both the webpage as well as posting my answer here.

Thank you, Stephanie, for your observation. 👍
Below is my first pass at answering this question. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

What are the Parental Rights?
Parental rights come from their responsibilities as a parent and include their rights to choose how their children will be raised and educated, what religion they will practice, with whom their children can associate andhow they will discipline their children and to use appropriate means to protect their children from harm provided that they properly take care of their children and are non-abusive towards them.
Below is my first pass at answering this question. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

What are the Parental Rights?
Parental rights come from their responsibilities as a parent and include their rights to choose how their children will be raised and educated, what religion they will practice, with whom their children can associate andhow they will discipline their children and to use appropriate means to protect their children from harm provided that they properly take care of their children and are non-abusive towards them.
Maybe some wording about medical care. I think your site is very good. I’m not finished reading it yet but, like the other fine posters said, it is very consistent while being concise and to the point. Fine work.

I also like that you included all life issues but spiked out abortion as being most important.
I am very impressed with this website! For many of us “crusty conservatives,” the death penalty issue is the hardest. Someone once did a comparison of Pius XII speaking on capital punishment in 1958 and John Paul II 20 years later, and the emphasis was very different. Cardinal O’Connor of New York (RIP) did a really great job of helping the more politically conservative Catholic understand the Church’s teaching. He was pretty open about what constituted the state’s “inability to protect,” specifically that anyone who was violent in prison would be eligible for the death penalty under even a strict interpretation of Church teaching. Realistically we will always have Church leaders speaking against capital punishment, but the theological and philosophical underpinnings of the teaching on the death penalty are very different form those on abortion.
Maybe some wording about medical care.
How about this revision?

What are the Parental Rights?
Parental rights come from their responsibilities as a parent and include their rights to (1) choose how their children will be raised and educated, what religion they will practice, with whom their children can associate and how they will discipline their children and (2) use appropriate means to protect their children from harm and care for their physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. These rights are conditional on the parents properly take care of and safeguarding their children in a non-abusive manner.
I also like that you included all life issues but spiked out abortion as being most important.
Thanks. Most of my sources had that emphasis as well.

Without life, the rest is irrelevent.
How about this revision?

What are the Parental Rights?
Parental rights come from their responsibilities as a parent and include their rights to (1) choose how their children will be raised and educated, what religion they will practice, with whom their children can associate and how they will discipline their children and (2) use appropriate means to protect their children from harm and care for their physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. These rights are conditional on the parents properly take care of and safeguarding their children in a non-abusive manner.
Excellent! Really well done.
Thanks. Most of my sources had that emphasis as well.

Without life, the rest is irrelevent.
You are so right. That’s why I never bought the seamless garment ideology. If you are not alive, how can I treat you with dignity?
Great web site and wonderful logo… I like the cross within the heart. It is well thought out and I will return to read again.
Of what I’ve seen, it si a very good website.

I’ll be taking a closer look at it later. But all in all, it’s very good. I toatlly agree with your initial general statement. Logo is really great too.

It’s really difficult for me to get across to people that Pro-Life means more than being anti-abortion. Thanks for a good effort.
You are so right. That’s why I never bought the seamless garment ideology. If you are not alive, how can I treat you with dignity?
The original seamless garment concept also stated that, but it has been so misquoted and misused so much by those who want to deemphasize the evil of abortion.
Great web site and wonderful logo… I like the cross within the heart. It is well thought out and I will return to read again.
Here is the logo for those who haven’t checked out the site and to make it easier to discuss:

It took many attempts to come up what I considered a good logo for it, but finally settled on this one (with lots of symbolism) of a heart with a celtic cross (showing God on the cross) within surrounded by the Eucharist (the source of life). The light blue writing was meant to point towards Mary, the Mother of Life Incarnate.
and works well!

I really like that you included Parental Rights as a Pro-life issue.

How about this revision?

What are the Parental Rights?
Parental rights come from their responsibilities as a parent and include their rights to (1) choose how their children will be raised and educated, what religion they will practice, with whom their children can associate and how they will discipline their children and (2) use appropriate means to protect their children from harm and care for their physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. These rights are conditional on the parents properly take care of and safeguarding their children in a non-abusive manner.

Thanks. Most of my sources had that emphasis as well.

Without life, the rest is irrelevent.
👍 Great website! Curious about your thoughts on war? Is there ever justification? I personally think that there are situations where war is just. What do you think and will you include it in your website?
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