I take what I call a 100% Pro-life position and define this on my pro-life webpage at URL: stobie.home.sprynet.com/religion/100prolife.htm
I see many issues within 100% pro-life and try to define each of them… Some (like protecting innocent life in the womb) are more important than others.
I am curious about how others feel about my definition of 100% pro-life.
If you respond, please indicate whether you feel you are 100% pro-life (in your view) as well as your comments. This would make discussion a lot easier as we would know better what position you are reflecting.
I see many issues within 100% pro-life and try to define each of them… Some (like protecting innocent life in the womb) are more important than others.
I am curious about how others feel about my definition of 100% pro-life.
If you respond, please indicate whether you feel you are 100% pro-life (in your view) as well as your comments. This would make discussion a lot easier as we would know better what position you are reflecting.