My view of 100% pro-life

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Beverly said:
đź‘Ť Great website!

Thanks 🙂
Curious about your thoughts on war? Is there ever justification? I personally think that there are situations where war is just. What do you think and will you include it in your website?
I agree with the teachings of the Church and the Holy Father about war.

These include (1) War should be avoided if it can, (2) The force used most be proportionate (avoid civilian casualities, damage), and (3) It is the leader of the nation that has to make the decision based on all he knows (including data that we as citizens may never see).

For instance, in Iraq, I feel that Bush tried to avoid the war, determined that it was unavoidable, has spent extra billions avoiding civilian casualities, has tried to wage it justly, and it has resulted in an Iraq better for the almost all Iraqis.

It is there indirectly right now in the discussion of human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a very complex issue and would require significant explanations and caviats, so at this time, I will not try to address it directly in the website.
I take what I call a 100% Pro-life position and define this on my pro-life webpage at URL:
I see many issues within 100% pro-life and try to define each of them… Some (like protecting innocent life in the womb) are more important than others.

I am curious about how others feel about my definition of 100% pro-life.

If you respond, please indicate whether you feel you are 100% pro-life (in your view) as well as your comments. This would make discussion a lot easier as we would know better what position you are reflecting.
I could nit pick and argue some minor points but I think you provide some great guidelines for the pro-life person.
I think it’s great to have a 100% pro-life page on your website. It inspires the mind, heart, and soul and verifies what we should all hold as truths. These truths we should find internally as well, for the Holy Spirit is there to guide us and verify (through our concience) these truths.

My only suggestion is to add to your page. The declaration is appropriate and very thorough. What about ways we can support our beliefs? Like writing to certain political figures, sending out pamphlets, praying outside abortion clinics…

I was paging through the yellow pages one day and found full-page ads on abortions performed up to 26 weeks. I was sickened because my daughter was born at 33, and there were babies in that hospital much younger than she, and surviving. (And in no way do I mention this to implicate that these babies are any more important than one that is a second old). And after the shock passed, I began to get angry - really angry. I started to wonder what I could do - besides prayer - to save these souls.

So, I would add, facts are pretty important. (How many abortions are performed in a day in the U.S., in a week? In a year?) And what can we do to assist in the efforts to minimize abortion? How many people are put to death annually in the U.S.? Has that number increased or decreased in past years? (et cetera).

Just suggestions. I think it’s perfect the way it is too.
I think it’s great to have a 100% pro-life page on your website. It inspires the mind, heart, and soul and verifies what we should all hold as truths. These truths we should find internally as well, for the Holy Spirit is there to guide us and verify (through our concience) these truths.
Thanks, I put it out as a guide for others to share when people ask, “What does it mean to be pro-life”. I have also encouraged other to use the logo and refer directly to the page from their sites.
My only suggestion is to add to your page. The declaration is appropriate and very thorough. What about ways we can support our beliefs? Like writing to certain political figures, sending out pamphlets, praying outside abortion clinics…
I added a section on Advocating the Pro-Life position. I think that covers it. I tried to keep it generic and universal.
So, I would add, facts are pretty important. (How many abortions are performed in a day in the U.S., in a week? In a year?) And what can we do to assist in the efforts to minimize abortion? How many people are put to death annually in the U.S.? Has that number increased or decreased in past years? (et cetera).
My guess is only God knows how many lives have been lost due to direct abortion and abortificants worldwide, but I would guess it is over 1,000,000,000 (that right, one billion) and increasing at an alarming rate (over 25,000,000 per year). I have no way to get all the figures on all the anti-life activies just in this country or worldwide.
Well, then, I think you’re doing a fantastic job, and good for you for doing so much when some of us do so little.

Have you received any signs from God about this?

And, thanks, just in case none of us have said it.
Have you received any signs from God about this?
In prayer, I have shared in God’s misery over the Holocaust of Abortion.
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