Beverly said:Great website!
I agree with the teachings of the Church and the Holy Father about war.Curious about your thoughts on war? Is there ever justification? I personally think that there are situations where war is just. What do you think and will you include it in your website?
These include (1) War should be avoided if it can, (2) The force used most be proportionate (avoid civilian casualities, damage), and (3) It is the leader of the nation that has to make the decision based on all he knows (including data that we as citizens may never see).
For instance, in Iraq, I feel that Bush tried to avoid the war, determined that it was unavoidable, has spent extra billions avoiding civilian casualities, has tried to wage it justly, and it has resulted in an Iraq better for the almost all Iraqis.
It is there indirectly right now in the discussion of human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a very complex issue and would require significant explanations and caviats, so at this time, I will not try to address it directly in the website.