You might want to look at my cautionary comments on another recent thread in this forum, “Online Theology Degree.” I’m an English instructor at a community college, so I see (and suffer) the plight of contemporary liberal-arts academics firsthand – intelligent people getting advanced degrees that are only really useful in academia, but creating a glut in the market without enough work to go around, Not only is this bad for the scholar, it’s bad for the institution of academia as well. Unless a diocese, religious order, or the like, knowing that there will be a return on their investment, is substantially bankrolling your work, you’re best off not going into debt over it.Another thing im looking into is possibly studying philosophy for 2 years. Catholic U and Steubenville come to mind. Is it possible to get the M. Div. as well? Suggestions?
That said, though, in your case, relocation to and involvement in a hub of Catholic life may not be a bad idea, as that may open up many more doors for you and even bring things to your mind that you haven’t considered. Moreover, it would be a step forward and away from nursing old wounds. The cost is high, but neither you nor I can say at this time what the benefit may be. This would be a classic matter to bring to prayer.
Moreover, I’m with Ormond on loving and serving. When I hear “love and serve,” I don’t hear anything explicitly priestly; I hear duties incumbent on all Christians. You may say that you implied the sacraments by that, but consider if a reasonable person would infer that. Whatever your state in life, get out there and do it today – don’t just think about doing it at some future date. You don’t need any bishop’s consent or any academic degree to do so.