Her reasons for leaving? All the usual vague statements, gleaned form “chick fkix” on the Arts and Entertainment chanel or Lifetime chanel, that don’t really transmit any information.
first of all, i am terribly sorry that you are going though this and I will pray for you and your wife, but reading what you wrote just makes me wonder if you take anything about her seriously or if you just dismiss what she says or feels as nonsense or chick flik baloney…
I will admit, there are a lot of flaky people out there but the chances of someone who had 3 children with you just up and leaving for vague reasons are slim.
You are not listening to her, she is taking the easy way out, you are both dismissing and blowing off the real reasons. Please get a 3rd party to help you through this. Sometimes it is hard for us to understand what the other person needs or is saying, but you both have an obligation to work this out. Sometimes we get so caught up in our everyday lives that our own spouse can become a stranger. Please talk to your priest, I pray that you work this out, I think with prayer and an open heart you can!
Peace be with you.
first of all, i am terribly sorry that you are going though this and I will pray for you and your wife, but reading what you wrote just makes me wonder if you take anything about her seriously or if you just dismiss what she says or feels as nonsense or chick flik baloney…
I will admit, there are a lot of flaky people out there but the chances of someone who had 3 children with you just up and leaving for vague reasons are slim.
You are not listening to her, she is taking the easy way out, you are both dismissing and blowing off the real reasons. Please get a 3rd party to help you through this. Sometimes it is hard for us to understand what the other person needs or is saying, but you both have an obligation to work this out. Sometimes we get so caught up in our everyday lives that our own spouse can become a stranger. Please talk to your priest, I pray that you work this out, I think with prayer and an open heart you can!
Peace be with you.