Name of your guardian angel

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Do you know the name of your guardian angel? Do you communicate with your angel? I love the story about Pope John XXIII who regularly asked his angel to speak to the angel of someone he had to meet with in any difficult situation to make the meeting go well. I have heard that Padre Pio used his angel as a messenger at times. My angel’s name is Joan, I know because when I was a small child in Catholic school Sister Ann Millicent told us to pray to our angel and ask his (her) name, and to always ask our angels to join us whenever we pray.
Do you know the name of your guardian angel? Do you communicate with your angel? I love the story about Pope John XXIII who regularly asked his angel to speak to the angel of someone he had to meet with in any difficult situation to make the meeting go well. I have heard that Padre Pio used his angel as a messenger at times. My angel’s name is Joan, I know because when I was a small child in Catholic school Sister Ann Millicent told us to pray to our angel and ask his (her) name, and to always ask our angels to join us whenever we pray.
I know some people who name their guardian angel. I have a hard time with this because I believe God already has a name for each one of the guardian angels. I would much prefer knowing “what” is the name of my angel chosen by God?
for a minute there, i was beginning to think my guardian angels name was “moderator” or “administrator” of catholic answers…

but, i was wrong…Phew… :cool:
Angels are spirits; they are neither male nor female.

Please post the source of the story about JohnXXIII 's angels.
How would I find out the name(s)?

I say names because I think I picked up some additional ones along the way (I probably needed them).

Aside from the additional, I suppose there is one particular one that I started with.
Though Angels are pure spirit, I also believe that Our Lord wishes them to be revealed as “Male” just like God is Spirit, but chooses to reveal himself as the “FATHER” and NOT mother.

To back this theory up, the knowledge we DO have of Angels IS revealed as MALES


and lets forget the scum known as Lucifer-ALL revealed as MALES

I have never read an Angel encounter story where people denoted them as female…unless it was New Age stuff…THEN, the MAJORITY were Female…what a coincidence there, huh?

Padre Pio referred to his Guardian Angel as “he”, so has St Gemma…so have a host of other Saints who interacted with them. So, I would say until further revealed, there is more circumstantial evidence of them being revealed as MALE.

Personally, I didnt name mine…I just call him Guardian Angel. 🙂
I can’t remember the name of the priest Father Mitch Pacwa was speaking to on EWTN, but he was an authority on Gardian Angels and he said that we shouldn’t name them since God has a certain mission for them for each of us and that we could impede their mission by calling them by another name.

Did anyone else see this program or did I just dream it?:confused:
Though Angels are pure spirit, I also believe that Our Lord wishes them to be revealed as “Male” just like God is Spirit, but chooses to reveal himself as the “FATHER” and NOT mother
Hmm…I didn’t know that, never thought about it…it may be a silly question, but what if I made a story and the angel that appears to the main character was a “beautiful woman?” I guess when I made the character, what I had in mind was to show the beauty of the Lord’s creations or something like that. 😃
I do not have a name for my Guardian Angel, but if he wants to reveal this to me, I am sure this would happen.

A few times now, I have allowed my Guardian Angel to go and help someone I know who is going through a rough time with an addiction.
Then a few weeks ago, my friend wrote to me and told me that out of the blue, he started therapy! He did not know how it happend or why he just had the courage to do this. I am sure God’s Grace played a big part of it, but I am sure my Guardian Angel helped his.

go with God!
guess I was not clear, I did not choose a name for my angel like naming a doll, I asked during prayer for my angel to reveal its/her/his name. I believe, since I was an innocent child at the time and close to my angel (closer than I am now) that I was given the name I should use. I will certainly check the Fr. Mitch site before I teach this to kids in CCD. The reference to Pope John 23 I can’t remember, but it was in a book about Pope John Paul II and was related by a cardinal who had been in the curia working with Pope John in diplomatic duties, If I can find it I will post. Story about Padre Pio was related by a friend who visited his shrine recently. Would be interested in hearing verification. check out the other post on guardian angel stories.
I don’t know my guardian angel’s name; never asked. But I do know he’s pretty good on a road bicycle; he has no problem keeping up with me on my 45-mph descents 😃

.I will certainly check the Fr. Mitch site before I teach this to kids in CCD.
Hi Asquared,
I thought that it was ok too, till I saw that program and it was quite good. Check w/ EWTN Catalouge to see which segment it was and I will do the same. I guess the premise was that, say you named your GA Joan, and you asked the interecession of St. Joan for …there could be confussion :confused: …anyway that’s the drift I got. God Bless, Annunciata:)
Hi Asquared,
I found the program: The priest speaking on Angels was Fr. John Horgan on 5/5/04 the order code from EWTN’s Catalouge - Videos-“LIVE” w/ Fr. Mitch Pacwa is MPV85 the video orMPC85 the cassette. Hope this helps. God Bless, Annunciata:)
Hi Asquared,
I thought that it was ok too, till I saw that program and it was quite good. Check w/ EWTN Catalouge to see which segment it was and I will do the same. I guess the premise was that, say you named your GA Joan, and you asked the interecession of St. Joan for …there could be confussion :confused: …anyway that’s the drift I got. God Bless, Annunciata:)
I recall an interview with Mother Angelica back in 97? 98? where she mentioned asking our guardian angels for their names. She even told how to ask. I’m afraid I don’t recall the month (Probably February or March, or the year (I only remember that I was taking my Comprehensives at the time).

I recall an interview with Mother Angelica back in 97? 98? where she mentioned asking our guardian angels for their names. She even told how to ask. I’m afraid I don’t recall the month (Probably February or March, or the year (I only remember that I was taking my Comprehensives at the time).

Looks like it was the Jan. 29, 1997, broadcast “Where Wonders Prevail” (an Interview with Joan Wester Anderson). I’ll have to listen to it in the morning to be sure if this is the correct broadcast.

I’ve called my GA “Mel” for several years now. I’d heard that they have MELodic names, and I’d read that the “el” in Gabriel, Michael, etc., meant “God” (?), and Mel suits that, too. Also, Mel Torme was a tuneful guy. I thought it was a neat nickname for someone whose name I’ll never know for certain in this life.

I have on occasion asked Mel to help me find a parking spot, and to help keep certain people safe when I thought they needed it. I believe he’s been very kind to me.

I’m disappointed to hear we shouldn’t name our Gaurdian Angels.
I probably have a very confused guardian angel. :confused:

When I was a kid, I named “her” Philomena because I liked the name and the saint. As I got older, that didn’t seem right because my angel seemed like a male. So, I shortened the name to Phil.

Then, I read or heard that we should ask our angels what their names are. So, I prayed to “him” and asked him, several times, and one day the name “Harmony” popped into my head, from out of nowhere. So, I accepted that. Maybe that describes his job in my life? Even if it’s not the name God calls him, it’s better than just “angel,” or “hey you.” :ehh:
I’ve always always called mine “Spirit Joey,” ever since I was two or three. I do not know how I learned the name, just that it is my Guardian Angel’s name.

Well, I’m a convert, so I don’t know much about all the teachings about angels. I do remember reading about how catholic children were once encouraged to name their GA’s. So, I named mine Kelly. I figured that this name could go for either male or female, so I feel “safe” with it. :twocents:
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