Name the last thing you ate and drank

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We should all give up carbonated drinks, Lily, for good:

Drinking soda or other carbonated beverages each day may lead to hypertension and diabetes, which can cause kidney failure, reduced kidney function and kidney stones. Be it a cola, non-cola, diet soda or any other sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage, these beverages can increase your risk of serious health issues.Jan 18, 2016

Thank you, Lily. I never drink carbonated or sparkling water. Actually, I hate carbonation, so I don’t know why I like Coke Zero. I should hate it. I do like it best when it’s gone flat!
The funny thing is, the carbonated water was recommended to me by my PCP to help lower my LDL cholesterol. Now, because I’m getting ready to have my throat operated on, my surgeon has vetoed even this, I don’t mind drinking plain water. But it took so long to get used to the carbonated and now I have 20 2 ltr bottles that won’t be able to be drunk for goodness knows how long. (With my luck, he’ll tell me I can’t have it in June either.)
Doctors rarely agree on things. I’m going to stop the Coke Zero. Can’t be healthy.
I’ll decide after I have my first one. I did give up sodas for 3 yrs. But then I got back on them. I don’t drink as many as I use to. (I used to drink them 24/7 as well as drinking water.) Having kidney stones makes you cut down if not give them up entirely.

Having stew tonight and water.
I have had one tiny kidney stone for eighteen years. I have CT scans, and it’s not growing and not moving, and I’m not developing more. When it was diagnosed (ultrasound was for something else), I was told it would wash out with water and I might not even know it because it was flat and smooth and tiny. I drank more than a gallon of water a day for ten years, water with fresh lemon because that increases urine volume, but no kidney stone. I finally gave up and told the doctor if I get symptoms, I’ll go to the ER. I haven’t been checked for a few years, but I’ll bet it’s still there. I’m just glad I’m not like my former doctor who has had many. He just gets rid of one and another forms. Poor guy! He’s so nice, too!
Kidney stones are so painful! I had one several years ago and would not want to repeat the experience for anything !!!

I just had your favorite breakfast @ConstantLearner 🙂 😋
I have a friend who had a fairly large kidney stone and she only felt a twinge of pain. It depends on their shape. Hers was smooth like mine. They can be very sharp, with many points, though. Those are the ones that hurt horribly! Now they just often use a scope and pull them out. Of course, that requires general anesthesia and stenting for about a week. Magnesium helps prevent them.
Our now late priest had kidney stones. He told me that after I’d had the Anointing Of The Sick performed. (I was going in for surgery on mine in two days.) I’d missed so many Masses and had saved up the money I would’ve put in the plate. I handed it to him, apologizing for giving it so early.

He was visibly moved and said, “I can’t believe you were thinking of us being in as much pain as you are.” Then he said he’d had kidney stones too and knew how painful they were. And he confessed that when he had his stones, he wasn’t thinking of our parish at all but on getting rid of the pain.

I told him thinking of him and of our parish was what was keeping me going. That I couldn’t wait to get back to worshipping with everyone. He knew how much I loved the Mass. I still do. And him sharing his experience with me endeared him to me even more.
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Interesting about the magnesium …🤔 I eat lots of tissue salt Mag Phos tablets in a day.
I haven’t found any I can swallow! Magnesium tablets are huge! At least to me. I have magnesium lotion by it dries the skin so much.

My breakfast: Same old, same old, minus the toast.
These tissue salt ones are easily chewed,they taste nice.
My parents use a spray for cramp relief.
I’ve been looking for some chewable ones or sublingual. I take sublingual vitamins. I have some pills for leg cramps, too. They do work for me, most of the time.
That is sweet, both you and your priest! Sharing your pain with someone in pain helps ease theirs, I think.

God bless, and he’s hoping NONE of us EVER get another kidney stone!
Sometimes I get restless legs, I read to increase calcium helps .
Leg cramps can be so painful :confused:
Black Strap Molasses is a good home remedy for leg cramps, and for all kinds of minerals and vitamins. I can’t use this anymore because of the high sugar content.

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