@Maximian Yea! Two terrific medieval saints relevant for our time. I took the time to read about the life of St. Hubertus and also found it very interesting. Political intrigue and upheaval, religious persecutions, personal tragedy with loss of faith, spiritual conversion after listening to the voice of God which caused him to turn his life around. Human nature doesn’t change much millennium from millennium. I’ve been enlightened, uplifted and entertained so thank you for mentioning this saint. As I read about his ethical hunting and conservation rules I could hear echoes of both my father’s and my husband’s voice on this matter. That it was spoken to him through the stag as the voice of God makes it more compelling. If God can speak through a burning bush, I have no doubt that He could use another of His creations. An amusing side note is that the German liqueur Jaggermeister meaning Master Hunter has on its bottle an image of that stag with the cross between it’s antlers.