By Michelle Malkin · April 05, 2006 09:06 PM
I spoke this afternoon with Ramsey Poston, managing director of corporate communications at NASCAR. He’s on his way down to Texas for the NASCAR race this weekend, and he responded to NBC Dateline’s undercover Muslim stings, which I first reported on yesterday morning.
“This is outrageous for a news organization with the reputation of NBC to stoop to the level of attempting to create news instead of reporting it. Any legitimate journalist should be ashamed.”
Poston told me NASCAR contacted NBC, which confirmed they are doing the story (also reported here yesterday).
“It’s hard to even call it journalism,” Poston told me. I asked him why he thought NBC was targeting NASCAR fans for the racism sting. Poston vigorously defended the NASCAR fan base as “diverse, from every background in America.”
I spoke this afternoon with Ramsey Poston, managing director of corporate communications at NASCAR. He’s on his way down to Texas for the NASCAR race this weekend, and he responded to NBC Dateline’s undercover Muslim stings, which I first reported on yesterday morning.
“This is outrageous for a news organization with the reputation of NBC to stoop to the level of attempting to create news instead of reporting it. Any legitimate journalist should be ashamed.”
Poston told me NASCAR contacted NBC, which confirmed they are doing the story (also reported here yesterday).
“It’s hard to even call it journalism,” Poston told me. I asked him why he thought NBC was targeting NASCAR fans for the racism sting. Poston vigorously defended the NASCAR fan base as “diverse, from every background in America.”