Sound off with your experiences!
I attended the conference for the first time in Atlanta, GA. That was their tenth anniversary conference. I had such a great time that I plan on attending the next conference though I don’t know when or where it will be.
Reminiscent of a retreat, the conference had several speakers ranging from funny to serious and intense. All the talks had depth and a great deal of substance. Mass was held in the hotel every day of the conference. Priests were available for confession the first two days. Adoration was held during the conference. (That was probably my favorite scheduled event.) There was also an Adoration chapel in the hotel.
A dance was held Saturday night and that was an absolute blast. I normally have my guard up when I’m around that many people but I didn’t feel the need to be wary all night. They offered dance lessons at the beginning. I missed most of the lesson but people seemed to be getting the hang of it when I came in. They played all kinds of dancing music and everyone looked great.
I had a few glasses of wine so I could get out on the dance floor. And boy, am I glad that I did. I danced with everyone who asked me and I had a great time. I ended up spending most of the night in the hallway helping to sign people up to receive missions emails that I had just signed up to receive. It was a lot of fun and the caliber of people there was superb.
The conference is mainly for singles but I think anyone would benefit from attending and it was a lot of fun. I met a married couple that had met at the conference and continue to go in order to support it. Overall, I found the conference to be very encouraging. I live in a small town. My church is mainly comprised of the elderly and married couples with kids. Sometimes it’s discouraging, to hardly ever encounter singles committed to the faith. The conference showed me that I wasn’t alone and it invigorated me. I plan on doing whatever I can to help promote it and encourage others to go.
I highly encourage anyone who’s been to the conference before to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and advice. I almost didn’t go because I couldn’t find much information on it.
Things I plan on doing differently:
Registering as soon as possible - The sooner I register, the more money I save. It also helps the conference planners to have the money sooner.
Going a day early and staying a day late - There are pre and post conference events in the area. These are more opportunities to meet people and also to see the sites of the area.
Carrying business cards - I met a lot of people (both men and women) that I would have liked to stay in touch with. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the sense to give them my contact information or to get theirs. I don’t need or have business cards but I can get a hundred of them from VistaPrint starting at $16.
Again, I urge you to share your experiences regarding the National Catholic Singles Conference. If you’re interested in attending, sign up for their newsletter here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/about/newsletter/
If you’re interested in promoting the conference and/or volunteering, let them know here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/about/contact-us/
Visit their official website here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/
Visit their facebook page here: facebook.com/National-Catholic-Singles-Conference-243558302790/ They already have photos up from the Atlanta conference.
I attended the conference for the first time in Atlanta, GA. That was their tenth anniversary conference. I had such a great time that I plan on attending the next conference though I don’t know when or where it will be.
Reminiscent of a retreat, the conference had several speakers ranging from funny to serious and intense. All the talks had depth and a great deal of substance. Mass was held in the hotel every day of the conference. Priests were available for confession the first two days. Adoration was held during the conference. (That was probably my favorite scheduled event.) There was also an Adoration chapel in the hotel.
A dance was held Saturday night and that was an absolute blast. I normally have my guard up when I’m around that many people but I didn’t feel the need to be wary all night. They offered dance lessons at the beginning. I missed most of the lesson but people seemed to be getting the hang of it when I came in. They played all kinds of dancing music and everyone looked great.
I had a few glasses of wine so I could get out on the dance floor. And boy, am I glad that I did. I danced with everyone who asked me and I had a great time. I ended up spending most of the night in the hallway helping to sign people up to receive missions emails that I had just signed up to receive. It was a lot of fun and the caliber of people there was superb.
The conference is mainly for singles but I think anyone would benefit from attending and it was a lot of fun. I met a married couple that had met at the conference and continue to go in order to support it. Overall, I found the conference to be very encouraging. I live in a small town. My church is mainly comprised of the elderly and married couples with kids. Sometimes it’s discouraging, to hardly ever encounter singles committed to the faith. The conference showed me that I wasn’t alone and it invigorated me. I plan on doing whatever I can to help promote it and encourage others to go.
I highly encourage anyone who’s been to the conference before to share their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and advice. I almost didn’t go because I couldn’t find much information on it.
Things I plan on doing differently:
Registering as soon as possible - The sooner I register, the more money I save. It also helps the conference planners to have the money sooner.
Going a day early and staying a day late - There are pre and post conference events in the area. These are more opportunities to meet people and also to see the sites of the area.
Carrying business cards - I met a lot of people (both men and women) that I would have liked to stay in touch with. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the sense to give them my contact information or to get theirs. I don’t need or have business cards but I can get a hundred of them from VistaPrint starting at $16.
Again, I urge you to share your experiences regarding the National Catholic Singles Conference. If you’re interested in attending, sign up for their newsletter here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/about/newsletter/
If you’re interested in promoting the conference and/or volunteering, let them know here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/about/contact-us/
Visit their official website here: nationalcatholicsingles.com/
Visit their facebook page here: facebook.com/National-Catholic-Singles-Conference-243558302790/ They already have photos up from the Atlanta conference.