Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry that you missed Dr. John van Epp’s speech. His and Father Nathan’s were my favorites.
According to the announcement, the Pittsburg conference is May 19-21. The Phoenix conference is in September. Specific dates were not given for AZ.
I made a road trip out of the NCSC with my uncle. We drove from Tallahassee to Dallas, stopping at various places. I attended the conference and my uncle saw Dallas. I forgot how packed the schedule was. I hardly saw my uncle during the conference and we stayed in the same room.
The conference seemed a bit disorganized to me this time. They seemed to have difficulties staying on time. The speeches were good. As I said before, John van Epp’s and Father Nathan’s were my favorites. I thought John van Epp’s was the most practical. He gave really good advice on taking charge of your relationships (not just the romantic ones). Father Nathan’s was great in that it reminded me to assess the kind of person I am and the kind of person I want to be.
Cecilia Pigg from
catholicmatch.com wrote an
article about it. She mentioned something that I really love about NCSC. Camaraderie. I find myself really liking the people I’m around. They just strike me as good, trustworthy people. They’re easy to talk to. They’re easy to pray with. They’re easy to trust. At the fair, one of the ladies left her purse with a gentleman when we went to the restroom. She didn’t seem to think twice about it. Another lady I met said she uses NCSC to travel. “You’re around safe people that you can trust.” It’s an incredibly supportive, friendly environment.
Again, I had a great time at the dance. (On the very off, off chance that Amantha is reading this. They ended with the cha cha slide. I totally called it!) I came in as the instructors should have been wrapping up and as hwriggles4 said, they continued for a while. I had mixed feelings about that. I spent most of the night talking to another lady and dancing. There were plenty of people who went outside the ballroom to talk where it was quieter.
Everyone I met seemed to enjoy the conference for various reasons. I had a blast. I wasn’t quite as giddy about it as I was last time. Maybe because I knew what to expect or I was tired. It doesn’t matter. I’m going to the next one in Pittsburg. A couple of ladies from my church said they will go on a road trip with me to it. I will inquire about group rates at the website. If anyone from the northeast GA area is interested in group rates (assuming they have them) or going on a road trip to Pittsburg, PA in May, please send me a private message.
Things I’ll do for the next conference.
Get some rest. I went into the conference tired. Between that and the travel, I ended up sick.
Stay in the same hotel as the conference. Last year I was in a different hotel. I definitely prefer staying in the same hotel.
Show up a day early and leave a day late. I did that for Dallas and I really enjoyed it.
Volunteer. It’s a nice way to meet people and help out. It’s also a good way to know who some of the major volunteers are. If you see something that needs to be addressed, you can inform them and they can inform whoever should take care of it.
Bring paper and pens. Things are said during the speeches that I would like to keep with me. A paper and pen makes that easy.
Bring some kind of contact card. I didn’t do it this last time and I regret it.
Thank you to everyone who has participated in this thread!