they have their own troops. un.org/en/peacekeeping/issues/military.shtmlI agree, the UN is woefully ineffective but do you know why? Contrary to what you state the UN does not have its own troops or its own anything. It is entirely dependant on the Security Council comprised of the five powers that won the war and their interests: the U.S., Russia (successor state to the Soviet Union), Great Britain, France and China.
There is no UN “authority” or “government” above the level of the major powers themselves. The UN is completely subservient to the world powers and can do nothing if one of them exercises their veto.
Would a fully democratic U.N. be better? What would stop all the poor nations from coming together and confiscating other nation’s wealth?Why is this the case?
Would this be better? Because this is what would happen. Democracy, especially in the world stage, is a very destructive force.Imagine a world government, democratically elected according to the
principle of one-man-one-vote on a worldwide scale. What would the
probable outcome of an election be? Most likely, we would get a Chinese-Indian
coalition government. And what would this government
most likely decide to do in order to satisfy its supporters and be
reelected? The govemmentwould probably find that the so-called Western
world had far too much wealth and the rest of the world, in particular
China and India, far too little, and that a systematic wealth and
income redistribution would be necessary.l Or imagine that in your own
country the right to vote were expanded to seven year olds. While the
government would not likely be staffed of children, its policies would most
definitely reflect the “legitimate concerns” of children to have "adequate
and “equal” access to “free” french fries, lemonade, and videos.2 - Hoppe
The U.N. states abortion is a human right. Should they be able to impose that on all member states? Should they be able to use the threat of force to do so?Because in 1945 the Allies didn’t listen to Pope Pius XII and invest a “society of peoples” with "supreme power" and “real and effective authority over the member states” (while still respecting their sovereign right to make laws for their own particular goods at the national level).
Instead they created a purely delegated international organisation in which power resides in the nation states without a “higher authority” super partes above their own particular goods to direct them towards the universal good.
Thanks be to God. The Church’s proposal would give our enemies the power to near destroy us.The UN is, and has always been, ineffective for this reason. No one listened to the Church’s proposal and they still do not.