No, you are mising the point, design entails function and the sexual organs clearly have function, ergo they do have a design. Saying that it just randomly evolved that way or that it is just "emergent property’ is a big load of question begging.
Thank you for your response. It’s interesting, but I was trying to avoid arguments from design because ID is a big topic.
Function is a subjective attribute applied by the observer. For example, a tree falls and the trunk bridges a ravine. Some time later I find the tree trunk and use it to corss the ravine. The tree trunk had the function of being a bridge without being designed to be bridge. A local bridge exists along the path I walk my dog, when it rains I shelter under it. It’ function as shelter is not related iot ts function as part of a road, it was not designed to be a shelter, yet it fulfills that function well.
Evolution is not ‘random’. The selective process (natural or unnatural selection) act as a non-random filter on variation across what is termed a fitness landscape, creating differentials in organisms propensity to survive.
Thus, function does not indicate design, but selection on natural variation can look like design.
I dont know what you mean by begging question? Is that like “if the universe is designed, who designed the designer?”
You are here confusing individual subjective preferences over clear objective bioligical facts.
No, function is subjective. To you sex may be about reproduction, but to me it may be about socialising. The function is defined by how it is used
The fact that some people enjoy non-reproductive sex more than reproductive sex is irrelevant when it comes to the way objective reality is ordered
Objective reality clearly indicates that there are many functions for sex including reproduction, pleasure, stress relief and as a weapon.
and the way we ought to have sex.
If one is having sex for pleasure, you ‘ought’ to maximise that pleasure. if you are having sex for reproduction you ‘ought’ to maximise reproductive chances.
Nobody gets to claim design, thinking that way denies the fact that there is only one reality which is what it is in spite of what we think about it.
I didnt understand this? Quantum mechanics led to the end of determinism, relatively and psychology to the elimination of objective fact.
The primary and most relevant reason for the existence of sex and for the existence of two different but complementary sexes for that matter, is procreation, all else is secondary.
No, the thread is about bridging the is-ought gap. You have not bridged it, you have gone precisely from it to ought without demonstrating the logical inevitability.
For those to whom sex is primarily about pleasure, the ought to maximise it.
We don’t need to have full knowledge of our digestive system to know that we evacuate what we eat. Likewise we do not need to have full knowledge of God’s intention to realize that our different organs have functions.
But you do need absolute knowledge to exclude something that is possible and pleasurable.
In anycase, you argument is of no use to the originator of this thread because it does not bridge the is-ought divide.
And that’s leaving aside the false arguments about objectivety and function.