Truth is most of us already obey much of the natural law spontaneously-just happens to be a
pattern there, I guess
-something like with other characteristics we happen to have in common such as eyes and noses and arms and legs, etc. But we’re tempted in many ways to compromise and disobey that law whereas physical qualities aren’t so easily dismissed or modified-although people
are messing more and more in those areas nowadays with piercings and tattoos and sex changes et al. The underlying person stays the same while we seem to like to alter the outside sometimes, as if that really could somehow make us different.
Anyway, while most of us have a built-in aversion to murder and torture and incest etc, many have also “overcome” such aversions when there are other competing interests compelling them to do so. Or when they simply want to express their superiority or power or freedom from any authority that may seek to dictate their behavior; pride/ self-righteousness always plays some role in man’s
un-righteousness (and the rest of us may even be awed by and admiring in a way of their sheer boldness and apparent freedom). Either way as moral beings (we just can’t escape this fact) we generally must feel justified in our actions, no matter how heinous they might be, before committing them, at least in that moment.
But there are seemingly less serious offenses against the natural law that more of us may tend to be more universally tempted by-and this makes us wonder if that law is truly so natural after all. Lying and lusting and maybe even a little bit of theft now and then certainly seem to be embraced by the masses to varying degrees. Marital faithfulness and honoring parents don’t have the high moral significance as they have in the past. Love and worship of God don’t come so naturally either, so what’s up with all that?
IMO the world is not innocent, simply put. The “ought” doesn’t arise out of a vacuum, nor does it come from religion only, but exists
in us, in our consciences, as a challenge to our “rightness”. The rest of nature “obeys”; species are consistently true to their natures; patterns are universal within them. So, if things aren’t the way they “ought to be” now in human affairs, what could explain this-and what could rectify it?
The doctrine of Original Sin goes far in explaining the waywardness of humankind IMO, a waywardness that’s perhaps almost inevitable in a rational created being with free will. Lying, cheating, killing, etc, aren’t truly natural for man, only
possible, and nonetheless widespread and more or less accepted due to our hardness, our selfishness, our “falleness”, our distance from God to put it another way. Man was made for and needs communion with God, unlike the rest of creation, in order to maintain moral integrity, not to mention the peace and happiness he’s meant to have, even if only partially in this life. Man must
choose-a frightening responsibility. Just some thoughts.