Genesis: “Cursed is the ground because of you"
and 2000 years of common commentary by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church plus the teaching of the Councils and Popes and Catechisms on this truth is good enough for me.
Respectfully opinion. Questioning and examining.
The word benevolent means. well meaning, kindly, kind heart, good nature,compassionate, generous, beneficent, charitable, unselfish, open handed, munificent, magnanimous.
Genesis: Curse is the ground because of you.
Does not sound like a Infinite, >>Holy Loving Benevolent Father>>> His own Spoken Word, tells us, He created all that is Good, calling it very Good, does He?
Our Heavenly Father who tells us <>not to curse others, why would He transgress his own laws, by cursing others?
Those he dearly Love’s, he lovingly created us in His own image, did He not?
Would our Loving Benevolent Father, be transgressing his own Laws, by cursing us?
Our Infinite Loving benevolent Father, who is the fullness of Love, All Holy, Pure Holy Perfection within, His own Eternal Spiritual Being, of infinite Wisdom, does not curse his own Goodness He created, does he?
Would that make him a transgressor of his own Laws?
Our Heavenly Father seeks not His loving children to suffer, does he?
Nor does a Holy Loving Benevolent Father, curse his children, does he?
Maybe our falling is, in not knowing Our Heavenly Father, in failing to realize? Teach and make aware?
Make known?
Or fail to mention, or fully know the character image of the one, who seeks and takes great pleasure in innocent suffering, destruction in >>>> destroying>>> His Spoken Word, Truth Spoken, of our Loving Benevolent Father’s Household in all living and Life form? His beloved children?
No, All Loving, All Holy,
![Growing heart :heartpulse: 💗](
All benevolent Father, could ever take such pleasure in destroying what He tells us
All Life is sacred unto me in the Blood, destroy not?
Cultivate the earth nourish and care for?
Multiply and be fruitful?
Our Loving benevolent Father, all Holy, would not take such pleasures in cursing others, or his own creation, or in seeing such innocent suffering, deaths, now would he?
Nor could a Loving Benevolent, Truthful Father, who commands his own children, not to curse, then curse his own children?
Curse his own creation in all Life forms?
Curse the very ground we all walk upon, could he?
![Slightly smiling face :slight_smile: 🙂](