NCLU Protects Child Rapist Club

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Warning, this is EXTREMELY graphic. Do not read if you are a very sensitive person. This is some shocking stuff.
I bet you didn’t even know that NAMBLA existed. It’s really horrfying. They are teaching child predators how to rape kids and get away with it. And when they do it and even kill the kid, NCLU wants to keep it under wraps and let the killers go scott free. I say, everyone should know about this.

Here is only one example. I have a couple more victim’s articles with very similar stories filed away that you may want to know about later. This is NOT an isolated occurance.
Jeffrey Curley

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) calls a $200-million lawsuit against the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) a “witch hunt.”

The suit is being brought by the family of slain 10-year-old Jeffrey Curley, who was molested and murdered by two men. Police found NAMBLA materials in the home of one of those men, Charles Jaynes.

Attorneys for Robert and Barbara Curley, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, have asked a federal judge to let them sue NAMBLA under Rico laws, which target criminal conspiracies.

NAMBLA is a “criminal” organization “that exists to train pedophiles to rape children,” according to the suit.

The Curley lawsuit also demands the names of all NAMBLA members.

There’s more. Continued next post…
“That, more than anything, shows the purpose of this suit and why it should be dismissed,” ACLU attorney John Reinstein told the court in his petition to have the case dismissed.

The ACLU is also petitioning the court to gag the attorneys of both sides in an effort to keep the case out of the press.

“I am amazed at the irony of the ACLU, the self-proclaimed guardians of free speech, calling for a gag order,” Steve Aiken, director of communications for the Traditional Values Coalition, told C&F Report. The Traditional Values Coalition is helping to fund the Curley lawsuit.

“The ACLU and other defenders of NAMBLA do not want the public to hear the truth about NAMBLA and the role it played in the death of Jeffrey Curley,” he added.

Along with general NAMBLA materials, Cambridge police found a manual titled “Rape and Escape” published by the pedophile organization.

“The book literally details how pedophiles can lure, befriend, and rape a child, then avoid detection and prosecution,” Aiken said.

According to trial records, the killers of Jeffrey Curley followed one of the manual’s suggestions. The men stole Jeffrey’s bicycle, befriended him as they helped in a fruitless search, then offered to buy Jeffrey a new bike.

The men were on the way to the store with Jeffrey when they offered him money for sexual favors. As Jeffrey rebuffed them, they resorted to force, eventually suffocating the boy. The men then raped the corpse.

Since the death of his son, Robert Curley has been grappling with the inconsistency of his so-called “gay friendly” hometown. Community leaders have virtually ignored the family’s loss. The city of Cambridge has several markers and memorials to murdered homosexuals. Sen. Edward Kennedy(D), despite his vocal outrage at the death of Wyoming college student Matthew Shepard, has declined to comment about the death of Jeffrey Curley.

 In another Massachusetts case, the American Civil Liberties Union is defending NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association against a wrongful death lawsuit filed against it by the parents of Jeffrey Curley. This 10-year-old boy was brutally murdered by two homosexual lovers in 1997. One of the men, Charles Jaynes, was a member of NAMBLA. He downloaded NAMBLA materials from a Boston Public Library computer. He and his lover lured Jeffrey to his death by suffocating him with a gasoline-soaked rag, took his lifeless body back to their apartment and sodomized him. His body was then sealed inside a plastic container and tossed in a river.

 The ACLU is attempting to get background information on NAMBLA stricken from legal papers filed by Curley's lawyers, Lawrence Frisoli, and Patrick Gellen. The ACLU claims that this background information-including testimonies from police and undercover agents who investigated NAMBLA, and the testimony of a mother whose son was molested by a member of NAMBLA. A hearing will be held on July 17 for a judge to decide if he will allow the ACLU to suppress this information.

 One of those testimonies was from Thomas Polhemus, a Fairfax County, Virginia detective who worked undercover and became a member of NAMBLA's steering committee. In his affadavit, Polhemus said: "I believe that the organization is primarily intended to allow members to get to know each other so they can exchange child pornography, discuss sex with boys and the best methods to employ to gain access to boys for the purpose of sex, share information about how to avoid detection, prosecution and conviction for sex with boys....."

 TVC has been working with Curley's parents and his attorneys to see that this wrongful death lawsuit is successful.
I would also just like to add that Planned Parenthood supports NAMBLA. Figures.
Given that it is now so popular to “out” a homosexual, perhaps it is time to "out the wolves. Enough of the sheep’s clothing.
The NAMBLA website has many ‘testimonials’ about the benefits of man-boy love. It is disgusting. But it is another nail in the coffin of our natural horror at the thought of pedophelia. They try to normalize this and while it’s at the extreme end of the spectrum, it is simply another example of the homosexual activist agenda.

Lisa N
Christian Charity keeps from saying what I would be tempted to do to these perverts if given an opportunity:mad: In fact I will probably need to go to confession entertaining the thought I am having right now.The ACLU needs to be sued for their constant protection of the most diabolic agendas one can think of.Ijust don’t know what else to say:banghead:
Christian Charity keeps from saying what I would be tempted to do to these perverts if given an opportunity:mad: In fact I will probably need to go to confession entertaining the thought I am having right now.The ACLU needs to be sued for their constant protection of the most diabolic agendas one can think of.Ijust don’t know what else to say:banghead:
I’ll say it. I’d shoot the evil sons of Satan.
I’ll say it. I’d shoot the evil sons of Satan.
I understand perfectly your sentiments:mad: How is it that these creeps afford the protection of the ACLU?Why is it that children are allowed to be targeted for rape and murder and the evidence is not allowed in court?
Just further exposes the truth about the ACLU. Where are all their defenders hiding out now? I’m amazed that people can say they are Catholic and ACLU supporters at the same time.
Is this going to be on the national news or is it going to be suppressed for fear of hurting the homosexual agenda?
I understand perfectly your sentiments:mad: How is it that these creeps afford the protection of the ACLU?Why is it that children are allowed to be targeted for rape and murder and the evidence is not allowed in court?
Because children have no power in our society. No one is "lookin’ out for them.’ The homosexual lobby has a lot of money, a lot of spokesmen and a lot of influence. They are in media, they are out in public and they have a voice. Further they have hi-jacked the cause of racial equality and prey upon our collective guilt over the way other minorities were treated in the past. In doing so they stifle legitmate arguments about their positions. Anyone who disagrees is called a ‘hatemonger’ or ‘homophobe.’

It’s disgusting and disgraceful.

Is this going to be on the national news or is it going to be suppressed for fear of hurting the homosexual agenda?
Nobody will know. Just like that 13 year old boy that was repeatedly raped and killed in Rodgers, AK buy some of these sodomites. Everyone that was going to release the story about it received so many threats that nobody did. I didn’t know about it until I got my news letter for Focus on the Family. And I lived in Branson, MO at the time, a hop, skip and jump away.
Nobody will know. Just like that 13 year old boy that was repeatedly raped and killed in Rodgers, AK buy some of these sodomites. Everyone that was going to release the story about it received so many threats that nobody did. I didn’t know about it until I got my news letter for Focus on the Family. And I lived in Branson, MO at the time, a hop, skip and jump away.
How ironic:nope: They sure didn’t suppress the scandel in the Church though did they:mad: Not that they should have but is really an intresting observation on who they choose to protect and who they choose to exploit.
Mr. Charlie Daniels sums it up pretty good for me.


The killer Tsunami, which recently hit Asia, left many miseries in its path as families lost their homes, their businesses, family members and loved ones. Whole ways of life were wiped out in a single day and thereÕs no telling how long it will take to restore some of the hardest hit places to any degree of normality.

As devastating as all the loss of property and life there is another problem that is the dirtiest of all this nightmarish scenario.

IÕm talking about sexual predators, scumbags who kidnap little children off the street and sell them to depraved old slop buckets to be used for sex.

First of all any man who would rape a seven year old boy should be immediately castrated and thrown into a hole and left to rot.

ThatÕs how I feel and I donÕt want to hear from any of you bleeding hearts spewing forth your same old song about human rights. Human rights are reserved for humans, these people are not human beings. They are demonic predators who prey on innocent children, perverted dirty old men who need to be taken out of society. They are the enemy of every child who walks the face of the earth.

Insofar as the criminals who kidnap these children I think the government should declare open season on them and anybody who is caught kidnapping a children should be shot on sight.

Radical you say? Yes when it comes to children IÕm about as radical as they come.

Can you imagine the agony of an eight-year-old girl being violated by a grown man? Can you imagine the horrible pain of a nine-year-old boy being anally raped by some slobbering old pervert?

What could be worse than walking into a whorehouse full of seven to twelve-year-old girls? You donÕt think that happens? Well youÕd better think again. It happens in places like Thailand on a regular basis. What kind of people pay money to have sex with these children? The kind who donÕt deserve to live as far as IÕm concerned.

LetÕs open an old sore, I wrote sometime back about an outfit
Called N.A.M.B.L.A., an antonym for the North American Man Boy Love Association. They have not gone away and you people who contribute money to the American Civil Liberties Union can pat yourselves on the back for that fact. ThatÕs right the A.C.L.U. defended their right to exist.

Now can you please tell me, what is the difference between the Mafia, an organization which exists for the soul purpose of committing crimes and N.A.M.B.L.A., an organization which exists for the soul purpose of committing crimes?

Thank you A.C.L.U. for prolonging the fear, misery and danger of all the young children of this nation. You should crawl under a rock with the rest of the snakes. I think youÕd probably feel at home there.

Pray for our troops

What do you think?

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

Copyright © 2004 Charlie Daniels
All rights under copyright reserved. Used by permission.
The ultimate agenda of these organizations is the eradication of marriage, the eradication of gender and the eradication of all age of consent laws.

And people wonder and cry about how the Christian God can be so cruel… added to the fact that abortion kills the most innocent of human beings in the millions, we bloody well deserve the apocalypse sometime soon.
Did the ACLU ever consider standing up for the rights of those who are most vulnerable? infants, children, unborn, women who have been raped and/or battered, the elderly? Of course not.
Did the ACLU ever consider standing up for the rights of those who are most vulnerable? infants, children, unborn, women who have been raped and/or battered, the elderly? Of course not.
No. They seem to have selective understanding of ‘civil liberties’ and only think certain liberties amongst certain groups are to be protected. Of course whenever someone mentions this odd trend the ACLU trumpets their defense of the Nazi’s in Skokie. Well it was long ago and far away. Aside from that I am not terribly concerned that Nazis are being systematically persecuted.

FWIW we have a local (although international in scope) organization that has been working in sex slavery and human trafficking for many years. It’s called Shared Hope. The stories about these poor girls are just heart wrenching. It even happens in the US although thankfully NOT with the cooperation of the government unlike in many foreign countries.

Lisa N
Did the ACLU ever consider standing up for the rights of those who are most vulnerable? infants, children, unborn, women who have been raped and/or battered, the elderly? Of course not.
Whatever they were before it looks like now they are merely satans henchmen:nope: Thanks to them the predators will be kept safe and are children will be freely targetted:mad: It looks like if we as a Christian Nation want to protect our kids from them by speech or other means it will be considered a hate crime.Personally I would love to know a computer hacker to break into their site and get the names and addresses of these perverts and have them trailed by adults who would make sure they do not get a hold of a child.24 hour servailence:banghead:
Personally I would love to know a computer hacker to break into their site and get the names and addresses of these perverts and have them trailed by adults who would make sure they do not get a hold of a child.24 hour servailence:banghead:
Could this already be happening? God willing it has been. :gopray2:
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