III. 6 We come now to the final magisterial intervention to be considered in this part of our study, namely, the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s
Responsum of June 30, 1909, on the interpretation of Genesis, chapters 1 to 3. The main point of this document that interests us is the third question addressed by the Commission:
Whether, in particular, the literal historical sense (
sensus litteralis historicus) may be called in question (
vocari in dubium possit), where it is a question of facts narrated in these chapters (
ubi agitur de factis in eisdem capitibus enarratis) which involve the foundations of the Christian religion (
quae christianae religionis fundamenta attingunt), as are, among others, the creation of all things by God at the beginning of time; the special [or, particular] creation of man;
the formation of the first woman from the first man (
formatio primae mulieris ex primo homine); the unity of the human race; the original happiness of our first parents in a state of justice, integrity and immortality; the precept given by God to man in order to test his obedience; the transgression of the divine precept under the persuasion of the devil in the guise of a serpent; the fall of our first parents from the aforesaid primaeval state of innocence; and the promise of a future Saviour?
Response: In the negative (