It occurred to me that every time I hear about a near death experience, it is always good. People describe the feeling of peace and seeing those they love. I was wondering does this mean that everyone
does end up in a better place? Have there been any people who have lived horrible lives and had a horrible near death experience?
I find the NDE of Fr Jose’s credable. there’s teaching to go along with the NDE.
OTOH, most NDE’s i’ve seen on youtube have NOTHING to say on what Jesus told them. If a person is taken to heaven, or hell , they can’t do either without Jesus directly making that possible. So what did Jesus say to them? Why do visionaries give specific instructions on what Jesus tells them, but when we hear all these NDE stories, where’s their instruction from Jesus mentioned? Instead we get NADA, nothing…crickets. Jesus at this time has their full attention, and He says NOTHING to them? He gives them NO instruction? He sends them back to this existence with no specific instructions? If they are NOT Catholic, Jesus says nothing, He doesn’t tell them to become Catholic, receive the sacraments, etc etc etc?
There’s a case where Fr Scheier for example didn’t remember his experience right away, but remembered much later what had occurred in his NDE and he included it ALL in his story. He knew exactly what his instructions were to be.
Scripture says heretics for example don’t go to heaven. So how does a heretic have a NDE and goes to heaven, and when they wake up from their NDE, they continue with their life as if all is well. If asked, they can’t wait to die for real the next time, because they know they are going to heaven just as they are.
Personally, without more detail, this is why I’m sceptical of most NDE’s.