Hi, I have been considering the Church for a while. I am a longtime Protestant, baptized. Currently, I am not in any church and not living a Christian life. I am divorced, mostly due to my lack of commitment to our relationship and to God. However, while I still was with God, I found myself examining the claims of the Catholic Church, mostly trying to refute points a Catholic friend of mine had been making. When I found myself drawn toward the Church, it did not help my relationship with my wife or my family (all devoted Christians) . After the marriage ended almost 2 years ago, I decided I was done with religion altogether. However, I have found the old questions arising again. She has remarried since then. I have no plans to marry again at this point, and dont know about the future. I guess my question is, what would the Church’s position be on my situation if I did choose to re-marry after converting? I know it is probably not a black and white answer, just would appreciate any (name removed by moderator)ut some of you might have. Thank you.