Need Communion really bad!

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Byz, you are partly correct. But if Paris has committed to the Catholic Church – regardless of whether she has made her public profession, she should abstain from Communion in a non-Catholic Church.
I refain from making a blanket statement such as this as I believe that this issue should be dealt with between the individual (in this case Paris) and his/her (sorry don’t know which it is) spiritual director or pastor if he/she doesn’t have a spiritual director.

As they will know the individual better and are in a place to advise where we are not.
Well, what does the CC teach about that then? What about the Catechism? Does it say anything about taking communion in another church if someone is on their journey learning more?

I am a female by the way! 😃 Nicole is the name!

Chances are, there is a GOOD chance that I will join the CC but before that, I still have questions that I have that need to be answered and when they’re all answered, then I will say, yes, I’ll join!
Paris Blues:
Well, what does the CC teach about that then? What about the Catechism? Does it say anything about taking communion in another church if someone is on their journey learning more?

I am a female by the way! 😃 Nicole is the name!

Chances are, there is a GOOD chance that I will join the CC but before that, I still have questions that I have that need to be answered and when they’re all answered, then I will say, yes, I’ll join!

Congratulations on your upcoming choice to convert to the Catholic Church. This church as you know by now, holds the most truths of all because it was founded by Christ himself and remains true to his body and blood to this very day.

As far as taking communion in another church, you probably understand of course that Christ is not present in the so called “communion” of those churches and is only present in the Eucharist of the Catholic church. I’m sure you realize that it would be far better to wait for the real thing and receive it at the Easter Vigil than to receive something that is essentialy just Wonder Bread at a protestant church. Although you might believe that Jesus is present there in the communion of those churches, he is not there since the act of transsubstantiation did not take place.

While I waited for the Easter Vigil, I too longed to receive him, but once I did, I found of course that there was no substitute.

Good luck discerning if this is right for you or not, I hope that you decide it is.

Congratulations on your upcoming choice to convert to the Catholic Church. This church as you know by now, holds the most truths of all because it was founded by Christ himself and remains true to his body and blood to this very day.

As far as taking communion in another church, you probably understand of course that Christ is not present in the so called “communion” of those churches and is only present in the Eucharist of the Catholic church. I’m sure you realize that it would be far better to wait for the real thing and receive it at the Easter Vigil than to receive something that is essentialy just Wonder Bread at a protestant church. Although you might believe that Jesus is present there in the communion of those churches, he is not there since the act of transsubstantiation did not take place.

While I waited for the Easter Vigil, I too longed to receive him, but once I did, I found of course that there was no substitute.

Good luck discerning if this is right for you or not, I hope that you decide it is.
Well, if that’s the case that Christ IS TRULY present in the Eucharist, will I feel any difference spiritually than in a Protestant church? I do attend the parish where I’m taking the RCIA thing, and I try to concentrate that Christ is truly there but nothing happens. Maybe when I join the Church, I may feel real joy, eh?

Speaking of Wonder Bread, the Protestant church I went to DIDN’T use it. What do you guys use then? A special kind of bread or something?
Nicole, I hope you did not take my reply as irreverant, but in fact the Christian Church I attended did in fact use “Wonder Bread” for communion. As to whether you will feel greater spirituality from the Eucharist, I think you will, because once you come to terms with the fact you are receiving Chirst in his body, blood soul and divinity under the form of bread, I’m not sure how you couldn’t. This will all come in time my dear girl. If I might recommend a reading, the Book called “The Lambs High Feast” by Dr. Scott Hahn should be recommended reading for all new Catholics (as well as some old ones) You will learn exactly why Christ is present in the Eucharist.

I would also recommend a book called “The Eucharist” written by Emminghaus (sp?) the book breaks down the mass into it’s historical components and I found it facinating reading during my RCIA process.

This will all take time for you to digest.(no pun intended) The host in the Catholic Church is made of Wheat by the way.
Paris - I agree with the others who suggest you not receive communion in any church until you are officially received into the Catholic Church, if that is your decision. Think of RCIA as a form of marriage preparation. Just as the Church teaches people to abstain from sexual relations before marriage AND that they receive preparation for marriage, she also teaches that we should not act as though we are in full communion with the Church until we have prepared ourselves (by getting to know one another well, as through RCIA instruction).

Spiritual communion is the way to go as you await the fullness of unity with Christ and His Church.

Tantum ergo:
Yaqbois, she said converting to Catholicism, not Christianity.

While all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics. . .in the sense that they acknowledge themselves as formal members of the Catholic Church, that is.

So your question is moot, methinketh.

Peace and joy be with you in this blessed season.
Save your breath with YAQUBOS, he obviously doesn’t acknowledge us as Christians. Everyone feel free to join our conversation:
Paris Blues:
Oh, so correct, I CAN’T even take communion even if I visit my parent’s church (Presbyterian) if I’m thinking about converting? That’s how I’m taking it. And since I obviously can’t the Eucharist, I have to take the Spiritual Communion.

Thanks though!😃

When you become Catholic the Communion you recieve will be the Body, Blood & Spirit of Jesus Christ, ( the real thing). At the Presbyterian Church communion is not the rael thing, it is symbolic.
Paris Blues:
Well, if that’s the case that Christ IS TRULY present in the Eucharist, will I feel any difference spiritually than in a Protestant church? I do attend the parish where I’m taking the RCIA thing, and I try to concentrate that Christ is truly there but nothing happens. Maybe when I join the Church, I may feel real joy, eh?
From my own experience, Mass is so much more after receiving the Sacraments at Easter. Think about it - you’ll recieve the Sacrament of Confirmation, which will be your very own Pentecost where you will be sealed with the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and you’ll get to receive Jesus intimately through the Eucharist, which is truly Him, not just a symbol of His crucifixion. Chances are you’ll be a bit overwhelmed at first, but after things settle down, you’ll realize what wonderful graces are found within the Catholic Church.

Well, thanks guys for all your help on this. I just think Communion is VERY important - any - but if the rule is I can’t take it at a non-Catholic church if I’m going to convert (which I know I probably will), then I will follow it and not take it and will wait perhaps another year to be able to join. 😉

Boy, this is painful! :crying:

Peace be with you!
Tantum ergo:
Yaqbois, she said converting to Catholicism, not Christianity.

While all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics. . .in the sense that they acknowledge themselves as formal members of the Catholic Church, that is.

So your question is moot, methinketh.

Peace and joy be with you in this blessed season.
My username is YAQUBOS… 🙂

And it seems that you think one can CONVERT from Christ to Christ…

In Love,
I wish every Catholic could read this thread and learn from parisblues true desire for communion with Christ in the Eucharist. It would reform our Church overnight should all our hearts know this longing and respond to it. Please consider offering up the penance of waiting for this communion for the intentions of those of us Catholics who have lost the longing.
Peace be with you!
Paris Blues:
Well, thanks guys for all your help on this. I just think Communion is VERY important - any - but if the rule is I can’t take it at a non-Catholic church if I’m going to convert (which I know I probably will), then I will follow it and not take it and will wait perhaps another year to be able to join. 😉

Boy, this is painful! :crying:

Yes, as you say: it is painful! This human philosophy is painful.

But the Lord said:

“'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” ( Revelation 3:20 )

Notice: He didn’t say “I’ll make him wait until next year”, and He didn’t say “I’ll make him wait for the dinner until next year”, but He said:

“I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.”

The Lord said also:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” ( Matthew 11:28 )

Notice: He didn’t say “and I’ll make you feel painful”…

And He said also:

“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.” ( John 6:35 )

Notice: He didn’t say “he will hunger and thirst until next year”…

He said also:

“the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” ( John 6:37 )

Notice: He didn’t say “I’ll make him wait outside until next year”…

He said also:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.” ( John 6:53 )

Notice: He didn’t say “stay dead until next year, and then I’ll give you Life”…

In Love,
I joined the Catholic Church in the early 90s via RCIA and had to wait a few months to get my first communion too. Though it could be frustrating at times, in the end it made that first communion really special.
YAQUBOS: The primary way to open the door is ‘put on Christ in baptism’. So if Nicole is already baptized (and she is), then she has received Christ spiritually, but she is now waiting to receive Christ body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist, the living bread Christ promised in John 6.
Peace be with you!

My username is YAQUBOS… 🙂

And it seems that you think one can CONVERT from Christ to Christ…

In Love,
In a way, Yaqubos, we DO convert “from Christ to Christ” – though He is the same “yesterday, today, and forever” we DO change, growing and converting our hearts more and more towards him day by day. When Protestant Christians come into the Catholic Church, they usually experience it as coming deeper into the living mystery of Christ.
I joined the Catholic Church in the early 90s via RCIA and had to wait a few months to get my first communion too. Though it could be frustrating at times, in the end it made that first communion really special.
YOU ARE SOOOO LUCKY!!! :eek: Why? 'Cause you got to recieve the Eucharist in a FEW MONTHS!!! :eek: I might have to wait a whole year!!! That’s gonna kill me!!!:banghead: LOL!!!

Though I did ask the lady via e-mail (didn’t go to the RCIA thing due to bad weather! Bummer!) about communion in another church and she told me something like that’s up to you (if you’re not confirmed) but she highly recommends that I attend Mass - which I do - so I can understand how they teach, etc. She also pointed out that if I did move up out of the Inquiry stage and into the “real thing” on converting, I would have to discontinue at a non-Catholic church though I haven’t attended one since October.

Oh boy, until any questions I have are answered, I’ll be on my journey! 😛
While it is possible to receive Catholic communion when not a full catholic (the Pope gave Mel Gibson communion, and he is not Roman Catholic…caused a bit of a stir, too…) it is not often done because it is hard to confirm whether or not the recipient or not is in the right frame of mind. One of the criteria as to whether the person is priveleged to receive it on a special basis is whether they believe that Holy Communions is the True Presence of Christ or not, or just a ‘symbol’. That is one of the basic core beliefs of Catholicism, and a stumbling block to many non-Catholic Christians. It is possibly the ‘stopper’ for you. You need to talk with a priest well versed in such things (I am just a cradle Catholic from the old Roman Catholic tradition). I hope you do convert; the Catholic Church is a treasure of beautiful traditions with deep and old roots, and you would doubtless appreciate them. Communion is a very special and crucial thing with us though, you need more background. But do not lose heart, you may be able to convince the priest that you have the proper state of mind to receive the eucharist. You sound like a seeker of truth to me, I vote you deserve it. In the meantime, spiritual communion works for me when I feel the need to be one with our Lord…some like a special prayer (the ones posted earlier are beautiful, no?) but the saints have always said all you really need is a simple prayer in your heart inviting Jesus to come in and be with you. Hope to see you in heaven one day, until then, welcome to a seeker of truth.
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