Hi NUCatholic
Be a man and this second figure out some excuse to ask her to hang out with you. Make sure she knows your intentions at the soonest best possible time. The worst she will do is tell you no. But really as a man, you are called to be the sacrifical head of the family, so yes in the courting process you are called to though your self in front of the on coming car and ask her out. In the end though, women will have a greater bond to the family and men tend to by their nature more able to leave the family. By gestures like these you’ll show yourself as someone who values a relationship enough to work for it and will stick around when things get tough.
If you wait around to long you make other problems. First you end up making her out to be better than what she actually is, and that does no favors for her. She is just like any other person, she has her quirks, shortcomings, and sins. As you sit around thinking how great she is, you blind yourself more and more to that. Then one day you come to find out she’s not perfect, then you have to do more work to reconcile what she is to what your envisioned her to be. Second off, you could end up making the relationship seem more like brother and sister than courter and courted. That seemed to happened often in the dorm. Few dated once the semster went on for so long. Now maybe if there is a friendship, it could blossom later, but if one whats to date and the other not, then it gets too frustrating.
I say, don’t worry too much about planning on what to say other than having some reason to ask her to hang out. If it’s to be the Holy Spirit will guide you. So give a prayer before going and praying if it’s to be let the Lord bless it. Besides if she is worth courting and you feel like your horribily screwing it up, she’ll probably have some mercy realizing that you are being geniune. Don’t worry about spending too much money. Just figure out a way to be resourceful, if it’s to be both of you will end up enjoying eachother’s company. Look at some of the suggestions by women, if they didn’t see some way it could be a good time, I doubt they would have suggested it. WIth a girlfriend I had, for a first date we ended up getting rained on and eventually went to Walmart to walk aorund. It was a great time. If you do get married you’ll probably end up with children. Then you’ll have to be resourceful.
And remember to make your intentions know, but don’t skip steps. Just get to know her as a friend. Chances are you’ll probably have a few times when you think it’s over. You’ll find out she’s far from perfect. But most saints didn’t start out that way. And so too, most marriages don’t start out from their courtship without any problems. In both situations, a lot of work is required. LOL So good news is, is she says no. Bad news, she actually says yes. Just kidding.
So go ask her to hang out, and make your intentions known. Chances are, unless she’s sure of taking religious vows, like anyone else, she’s probably looking for someone to eventually have a family with. After that just take time to get to know her. Figure out what she likes, how she treats family and friends. Just learn, it’ll make you a better person, regardless of how it ends up. Keep most thoughts of marriage to a later time. It’s a delicate line, few want to feel trapped, no one wants to go in feeling like it’s not their decision, but just following along another. If she says yes, be prepared. When Mary said “Yes” It was not the end, but the very very begining of things she could have no idea of understanding at that time. Take care, I’ll give you prayers and you keep the prayers going too. Ask again if you need any more advice. We like to feel, we have something worth saying. Sorry for going on so long