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Your conscience may be more than you think. How do you think your guardian angel communicates to/with you?

The answer you seek, you probably already know, but prefer not to follow.

It’s kind of like having an ouija board in the closet and not using it; at the same time refusing to throw it away.
I am in a somewhat similar situation, but for me the issue is what
forms of therapy are acceptable to use for me and my family. (See the thread “Alternative medicine/occult” -one person , shiboleth I think,gave me a site that deals with New Age treatments, it might be helpful to you too) Chiropratic seems very non- new agey to me. If the spine is pinching nerves, and you relieve pressure, of course people will get better! Chiropractic saved me from back problems. I could not sit or drive without putting my left foot on the dashboard. My regular doctor told me take tylenol and use a heating pad, which nearly crippled me. The chirocpractor adjusted me and told me to use ice. (Oh what a relief it is!) I would thrilled to find an orthodox Catholic chiropractor, you don’t happen to be in RI do you?

I like the suggestion to put a picture of The Divine Mercy Jesus on the wall.

It seems that many who are drawn to wholesome living, in terms of organic foods, and avoiding drugs seem to be drawn to New Age philosophies for whatever reason. It seems to me you can believe in healing from the inside out and eating foods without pesticides without being an “environmentalist wacko” New Ager.

My child has psoriasis and I got a book called Healing Psorisis, the Natural Alternative. Most of it great, it deals with getting the body healthy through eating well, spinal adjustments, good colon health, drinking water, keeping your body pH from getting acidic, etc. But there was of course some New Age components, and he got a lot of info from a New Age mystic. It is very frustrating to me that the two (natural healing, instead of drugs and New Age) often go together. Praise God I found a wonderful Catholic naturopath!.

My opinion would be to wear your faith of your sleeve and continue to heal in God’s name.

Thank you all for your reponses. Let me answer Maggie’s questions
what type of practice you (took over?) and what the patients expect from you and whether your concerns are related to your patients or your colleagues.
My patients come in with pain and expect releif and some want to explore ways of managing that pain and/or preventing that pain. I suppose that is their expectation.

But Objective Straight Chiropractors are “different.” They don’t want to address patient’s pain. It’s not that they ignore it or belittle it but they are working with a person’s innate intelligence within them to bring about a better expression.

They don’t beleive they are in the “pain or symptom business”; they are in the “life expression” or “life enhancement” busines or “reaching your maximum potential as a human being” business.

See what I mean?

Do you understand their position? Don’t worry if you don’t. It is full of double talk a lot of the time. I have been doing this 7 years as these colleagues can talk circles. You can’t get them to p(name removed by moderator)oint what they mean by innate intelligence a lot of the time.

Innate intelligence is that entity inside us that seperates from being a bag of water and chemicals.
If that is the type of practice that you are now taking over is this a new experience for you and are the religious overtones something that is different in this type of practice compared to a more medical practice?
Well, it is a movement perhaps gaining popularity, I am not sure. I am troubled because of being perhaps being associated with colleagues like that. I understand that all professions have quacks and cookes (if one considers this that), but it is the religious overtones, and claim to be working with the entity that seperates us from ashes and dust that bothers me.
If that wasn’t clear when you were taking over the practice you may wish to realign (no pun intended ;)) the practice toward a more traditional straight chiropractic or mixed therapeutic practice. (If I use the terms incorrectly it’s only because the paper itself was a crash course in chiropractic).
I am probably what you would term a “mainstream chiropractor”. I tend to practice in a way where I explain things anatomically and physiologically.

The problem is, beleive it or not, that we are rooted in a lot of their terms. Our history is rich in the term “innate intelligence”, “vital force”, and “universal intelligence.” So, they claim they are practicing the way that the founder and his son meant it to be practiced.

Euphemisms like “The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body” abound the profession along with “Get the Big Idea.”

I have seen chiropractors withhold insulin from diabetic spouses they get so caught up in all of this stuff.
I think that it is hard to take on too many demons at once. The first and primary thing to do is to get yourself spiritually comfortable. Practicing in a profession the way you intended, being comfortable with your relationship with God.
Thank you, that is probably the best advice.
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