Need help understanding your patron saint, Guardian angel, and all other saints?

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Hi everyone,

I think I finaly found my patron saint. However I am having problems understanding the different roles of your Guardian angel, and your patron saint…what are there different roles.

And is the only difference between your patron saint and all the other saints, that your patron saint prays for you specifically ?
Hi everyone,

I think I finaly found my patron saint. However I am having problems understanding the different roles of your Guardian angel, and your patron saint…what are there different roles.

And is the only difference between your patron saint and all the other saints, that your patron saint prays for you specifically ?
I think of a patron saint as someone whom you can identify with because you both have gone through similar experiences or have things in common. So it’s someone to help you on your earthly journey because they have overcome trials through faith. A guardian angel on the other hand is a spiritual being, who has been appointed by God to guard and intercede for you.

I’m sure others on CAF may think differently, but I’d love to hear their responses.
Thanks that helps a lot. I don’t have a catholic background so I never had anyone to tell me about these things.

I was woundering how to direct my prayers, when I had know idea
what a gaurdian angel or patron saint did.
Click HERE and take a listen to this - I think it may help you understand a bit better what angels are all about.

My patron saints are St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Veronica. I also have a great love of our Blessed Mother… because I was given her name, as well. As a result, I have a devotion to all of them.

I don’t think that patron saints must be limited to your names, though. As a previous poster said… you can feel special bonds of friendship with individual saints… male or female… for various reasons. I also have a strong devotion to John Paul II the Great… this being, because while he was still with us, on earth… we were blessed by him and attended a papal Mass in Los Angeles.

I love to think of the Communion of Saints as our extended family… brothers and sisters, up there in Heaven (our true home!) and they’re just waiting for our arrival, with such hope. They want us all to be with them… and so, I believe that ANY saint you petition for prayers… is going to help you out! And in the process, become a very special friend!

I think the same goes for the angels… and in particular, our Guardian Angels… whose special “mission” from God… is to guide and watch over the souls assigned to them. They’re like our big, loving brothers!

Our faith is a TREASURY of God’s loving care!🙂
My Patron saint is St. Therese of LIsieux, she helped me in so many ways in my life.At one time St. Benedict also helped me. However my guardian angel is St. Raphael like St. Therese whenever I ask for his help he always grant my request.🙂
I like making friends with everyone and asking for help from each and all and as I get to know them better, as I think they would prefer. 🙂

Heaven will be spent with these friends… and more time on earth than we know in this life…
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