Need help with a non-Catholic friend on the Bible

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I purchased bible apologetics cards from

These cards are like flash cards with topics like Mary, Saints, peter, baptism, salvation, etc.
They are color coded by topic and have the biblical reference and an explanation on the back. Really helped me learn and quickly get the responses I needed.

Peace, Lori.

  1. *]Ask your friend if he still values your friendship.
    *]If he does, tell you that you don’t appreciate him attacking your faith. You don’t attack his (I hope).
    *]If he persists, tell him that friends don’t desparange friends, and that his actions have terminated your friendship.
I have at home a King James version of the Bible with the deutero-canonical books inserted between the Old Testament and the New Testament. When people like your friend come to visit, I frequently ask them which parts of the Bible are the inspired Word of God. They usually say that all the books in the King James bible are the inspired Word of God. I then point out that my King James bible includes Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Machabees, portions of Esther and Daniel, Baruch, Ecclesiasticus, and Wisdom of Solomon. Why, I ask them, don’t they accept those books as canonical? And why not include the Gospel of Pilate? or Thomas? or Peter?

You may not have a King James version of the Bible with the deutero-canonical books inserted between the Testaments, but you probably get my point. The whole (Sacred Tradition) is greater than the part (Sacred Scripture). The Tradition that tells us which books belong in the Bible and which books don’t belong in the Bible is the same Tradition that tells us the Blessed Virgin was assumed into Heaven, St. Peter was the first bishop of Rome, etc. The Bible faithfully reflects part of that Tradition, but as St. John observes, he and the other Apostles and Disciples did not write down everything Jesus Christ did or taught. Does that mean Christians aren’t obligated to follow the things Jesus Christ taught that aren’t written down in the Bible? God forbid!

We know what we must believe through the Catholic Church, which Jesus Christ promised to guide until the end of time. How then could the Catholic Church every go astray when it has as its guide He who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?
Your friend may know scripture well but he is lacking in his understanding of scripture (knowing scripture and understanding scripture are NOT the same thing)

Another great website for helping you with research is

Catholic Outlook is an apologetical site with the goal of explaining the Catholic faith using language and terminology of Evangelical Protestants. This is an informative site with a large number of articles and links. An interesting feature is a section of dialogs and debates the webmaster has had with various Protestants.
(Description taken from

In order to successfully explain the Church’s position to your friend, you’ll need to know what his objections are going to be beforehand. as well as the sites Church Militant provided should explain the common objections protestants have with the church and why they are incorrect.

Another thing to remember is that the Bible NEVER contradicts itself. If you supply a verse from the Bible that supports your view, it is not sufficient for your friend to supply a verse that refutes it (and vice versa). Since the Bible NEVER contradicts itself, someone is misinterpreting their verse.Two contradictory verses don’t “cancel eachother out” either. The goal is to understand who’s interpretation is correct.

Order BCS’s free CDs, they are very helpful too:

I have alot more suggestions, but I have a dislocated shoulder and the pain meds make me drowsy so I have to stop here. Good luck… and remember to pray! thats the most important
QUOTE: I am a Catholic that is sorta starting to read the Bible for the first time.

Hi Blake,
I just wanted to say if you have been going to mass you have been reading the bible since you could read. I had a co-worker tell me she never reads the bible. I asked if she ever went to mass and she said yes. Well quess what… she has been reading the bible. The readings in our misselettes are from the BIBLE. Yes, we should read the bible more at home also but don’t let anyone tell you that Catholics don’t read the bible.
QUOTE: I am a Catholic that is sorta starting to read the Bible for the first time.

Hi Blake,
I just wanted to say if you have been going to mass you have been reading the bible since you could read. I had a co-worker tell me she never reads the bible. I asked if she ever went to mass and she said yes. Well quess what… she has been reading the bible. The readings in our misselettes are from the BIBLE. Yes, we should read the bible more at home also but don’t let anyone tell you that Catholics don’t read the bible.
The entire liturgy is biblical even the songs we sings heck our responses are from psalms.

Catholics get more Bible in thier mass than protestants often do.
What protestants get more of is commentary often out of context on selected biblical passages especially in evangelical and fundie circles.
Hi Blake:

I commend you for your intentions concerning your friend and your defense of the Church. After reading your post and seeing what you are going through, I feel for you. Some denominations are so twisted in their hate for the Church that they will invent silly BS (like the equating of words/names to equal 666) in a vein attempt to prove the Church false. This is simply hatred and NOT an attempt to learn the truth concerning the Church. You can try to reason with people like this if you choose, but until they can get past their hatred, you may find that they are unable to listen. The facts can be spelled out and they will continue to argue that trees are purple and fish live in birdhouses. I have met a number of people like this. My advice:
  1. Pray for your friend
  2. Invite him to come with you to mass
  3. Ask your Priest if he can sit down with you and him and discuss your friends concerns
  4. Get a good basic apologetic course. I found Beginning Apologetics 9-Book Series by Jim Burnham and Father Frank Chacon a very good source.
  5. If after all this your friend still wants to argue with you and attempt to convince you to abandon your faith, maybe you’ve done everything you can and it’s time to let God grow the seed that you have planted. In other words, tell your friend to leave his hate at the door or don’t come in.
God bless
Hi there,
I haven’t read all the responses to your original post, so I’m sorry if I am repeating anybody. I just wanted to put my two cents worth in. I have been in a similar pickle as you, discussing Catholicism/Bible with a Protestant friend. She was upset because I was a Protestant and converted, so we discussed the issue a long time via email. I almost ended up losing her friendship altogether, and I can tell you that it wasn’t worth it. We got basically nowhere in all our long discussion. I am not saying that it is not worth it for you to continue, but I would like to offer up one thing I’ve learned by talking to her and to other Protestants. It matters not about Mary, the Eucharist, the papacy, or anything else until you pull down the two pillars holding Protestantism up: faith alone and Scripture alone. You’ll go in circles with Protestants until you tackle those two issues! Explain your viewpoint about the other doctrines, if they want to know, but don’t waste your breath in debate before you discuss faith alone and Scripture alone.

You’ve made an excellent point. I would also add, as my two cents, that you [Blake002] need to do your homework and be prepared to tackle these subjects knowing all of the arguments and counter arguments. Another tip would be to engage your friend in only one topic at a time. Do not let him use a shot gun approach. If you can agree to discuss a topic a week in advance you can both do some preparation and have a healthy and informative exchange. It would be better to do it by email using attachments when appropriate than to use a chat room technique. This allows for thorough research, presentation, and response. It also helps to keep the emotions under control. Whatever you do, be loving and charitable in everything you say.

If you search these forums you can come across debates on virtually everything he can throw your way. Be not afraid and never get discouraged. He may have memorized more of the bible than you have, but you have the full weight of truth on your side.

You are to be commended for engaging your friend in these exchanges even when you feel some inadequacies. You and your friend are in my prayers.

I highly recommend these cards, the will help you memorize scripture for all the typical attacks from people of your friend’s background.

Please stay strong in your faith. I have been in your shoes before. It took experiences like this to lead me to explore and understand my Catholic faith as an adult, rather than a child. It is a noble cause to want to help your friend, but he might not be open to it and just try to convert you at any cost, even the cost of truth. This group will ignore whole portions of the Blible to let scripture to fit their beliefs. Answer short and sweet, dont’ let it discourage you. God isn’t finished with any of us yet. Check out this thread…I have recently had a similar experience with a person whom I believed to be a close friend, you may find some comfort there, to know you are not alone.

God Bless You, take time to answer all the questions for yourself, but don’t be too hard on yourself if your friend doesn’t listen to your answers.
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