
OH POOR SPARKLE!!!What does the above mean? Did you have 5 abortions? Bless your heart. There is no condemnation here you know, ONLY support and love. At least on my part. I really would like to know what happened to your husband and baby daughter. You say they drowned. How?
P.S. Yes, we are presently in marriage counseling.
No I did not have 5 abortions…what a funny question…why would you want to know that kind of stuff? What would that have to do with anything? You are such a funny, funny woman!
The fact is you have some real problems in your life and you seem determined to exacerbate them. Why do you suppose that is? I cannot imagine any reliable priest of counselor letting you continue this way so I sure hope you are not lying to us about counseling.
After all you are a daily influence on young people - your children - and I would hate to think they may end up causing a future spouse harm because of the chaos that has been allowed in their life.
If you have other personal questions about me or my past you are free to PM me. I have no reason to PM you - I am not the one asking for advice, remember?
And thank you, all the people who did PM me after the last post from Sparkle. There are some wonderfully healthy, loving and holy people on this forum. You leapt to my ‘defense’ and I thank you all.