You’ve done some changing, and he is SCARED TO DEATH that HE might have to change, and resentful about the whole thing, too. He’s been steeped in the “spiritual but not religious” baloney that is the new age “belief system” of the moment. Doesn’t want to hear any of that mind-numbing, orthodox, and above all CONFINING stuff that Catholicism means to him. He is probably so focused on all the “Shalt Nots” that he doesn’t realize that Catholicism is the most authentically FREE system of belief there is. It’s like all the other truths rooted in dichotomy. . .it’s always darkest before the dawn, the drawn tooth hurts the most just before it’s pulled, etc. etc. You are most free when you are most obedient. You are most “yourself” when you forget about yourself and think and act for others.
But that message contradicts about 99% of what he himself perceives is “real life” (ask him BTW just what he thinks real life IS ), and if any of it is TRUE, he can’t just be a “bystander of life”, can’t just sit back comfortably and “laissez les bon temps roulez”, “let the good times roll”. He will in a sense have to “grow up” and take on responsibilities instead of clamouring for rights.
He is scared, scared, scared, and men aren’t SUPPOSED to be scared.
The best thing you can do is just keep on doing what you know is right, AND pray for him. I would also, even though it seems paradoxical and awkward, try to do MORE for him. . .not servile stuff but. . .write him love notes. Thank him more often just for being your husband. Cuddle him more. Make his favorite meals, listen to some of his favorite things, wear some of his favorite outfits, above all, LISTEN (with your whole attention) to what he is saying. . .and see if after a few days or weeks of this treatment he doesn’t start to relax, enjoy the “perks” of having an authentically loving Catholic wife, realize that the 17 million radically opposed things he is worried will happen with this are NOT GONNA HAPPEN (they can’t, they all contradict each other, but he can’t see that right now), and then with the two of you more aware of each other and more aware of “real life” as opposed to his fantasy world of “spiritual, not religious” and its true happiness, I think your prayers will have a good answer.