Need NFP information for College Class

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thanks PatienceAndLove, yeah, what we call NFP, or encompassing all methods, they call FAM - Fertility Awarness Methods. I thought everyone just called it NFP.

A fairly interesting site, though I don’t understand why they say it’s not good for women with irregular cycles. It seems to me it’d be better for women with irregular cycles because they know where they are. Not the rhythm (or calander as they call it) method, but BBT, Creighton, or Sympto-Thermal all would do well I’d think.

Thanks again!
A fairly interesting site, though I don’t understand why they say it’s not good for women with irregular cycles. It seems to me it’d be better for women with irregular cycles because they know where they are. Not the rhythm (or calander as they call it) method, but BBT, Creighton, or Sympto-Thermal all would do well I’d think.
Thanks again!
Probably because of PPs stance towards birth control, etc.
And it’s also “harder” initially to learn NFP with a longer cycle, as they perhaps percieve it.
As many of the women here can attest to, there are long cycles and these women have no problem with NFP. (
Good Luck! I will be praying for you.
And if it helps at all, you can tell your classmates that you have a recovering BCP user who is using NFP successfully! And actually, it was my fiance (Baptist) who embraced NFP the most because I wouldn’t be putting hormones in my body that could get my sick and take me from him earlier. A bit selfish, but I like it 😃
What’s the Difference Between Contraception and NFP?

Natural Family Planning is the knowledge of a couple’s fertility. It is a knowledge base about a couple’s ability to conceive a child.

The application of this knowledge in a particular marriage is called responsible parenthood. The couple either decides to try to achieve a pregnancy or to avoid by timing their use of the privileges of marriage according to the knowledge of their mutual fertility. (The man, if healthy, is fertile all the time. The woman, if healthy, is fertile about three or four days a month.)

Responsible parenthood differs from contraception in two ways: 1. There is no alteration of the bodies of either the husband or wife and this is a huge difference. 2. When the couple uses the privileges of marriage, they are not holding back at all or refusing to give everything they are, physically and spiritually. If they are infertile at the time, this is the result of the way God created them. They are giving themselves totally to one another AS THEY ARE AT THAT MOMENT. No one could require more. Further, God never asked couples to use the privileges of marriage at any particular time. That decision is completely theirs. So, in the marital act during an infertile period, husband and wife who are applying the knowledge of their fertility (NFP) responsibly (responsible parenthood) are giving everything they are at that moment to one another.

The intention is also different. The NFP couple realizes that in every marital union there is a chance (perhaps remote) of conceiving a child and they accept this possibility. The contracepting couple (even if only with condoms) has a positive intention against confepction.
An example might help: I want some money from a bank. It makes a huge difference whether I go to the bank and draw the money out from a checking account or whether I approach a teller with a gun and “withdraw” $100. Either way, I get the $100, but one act is radically differnt from the other.
Can contraception cause an early abortion?

The pill, Norplant, Depo-Provera, emergency contraception, the IUD - all of these chemical contraceptives have three basic modes of operation:
  • They can act to suppress ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). However, women can and do experience breakthrough ovulation, meaning that an egg is released and available to be fertilized.
  • They can cause the cervical mucus to thicken, making it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg. It is possible, though, for the sperm to break through the mucus and to fertilize the egg.
  • They can alter the lining of the uterus making it difficult, if not impossible, for the 7-9 day old developing baby to attach to the uterine lining, where it would receive the nourishment necessary for further development. The baby would then be expelled from the body during menstruation. This process is known as a chemical abortion and is why the pill is referred to as an abortifacient.
1999 Physicians Desk Reference
Planned Parenthood
A Consumer’s Guide to the Pill and other Drugs, by John Wilks, B. Pharm., M.P.S.
The low dose birth control pill does not prevent ovulation as much as was said in the above post. It acts more on the lining of the uterus to make it impossible for the new baby to implant. They also say it thickens the cervical mucus and presents more of a barrier. But thick cervical mucus is exactly what is needed to get the sperm up to the Fallopian tubes. It has always seemed questionable that this mechanism was at all useful for that.

The older high dose pill prevented ovulation most of the time, but the problem was that it was killing too many women. So it was removed from the market-too many lawsuits werercoming up.

No one in their right mind would crumble up birth control pills and add them to their vegetable compost heap and put it on their vegetable garden. But that is waht women are told to do by putting it in their bodies directly. No point in trying to eat healthy or buy organic if one is on the pill.

Abortionists are keen on getting their girls on it after an abortion. They know that the girl will be back in a couple of months pregnant and wanting to abort again.

Using a condom during the fertile time instead of abstaining makes the cervical mucus observations harder to obseve. So it is not recommended for effective NFP observations, even if one had no moral objection to them.

Planned Parenthood, a racist and eugenic organization, gives out one-sided and inaccurate information. Ask them how much money Planned Parenthood made in sales of birth control. Stopp Planned Parenthood has great information about PP and how to counter them.
Thank you PLAL, that is all very interesting. When I first started investigating Catholicism and heard that the pill was an abortificent (sp?) I knew I couldn’t marry a woman who would use it, but thought ‘well, there’s still condoms, what’s wrong with them?’ but since having read Christopher West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners, I have turned around completely and think contraception is disgusting. I know I’m going to be very angry listening to the PP on Wednesday, but at this point I think I can make some good points and make the representative uncomfortable, if nothing else.

Leeta, I’ve considered bringing up the eugenic purpose and racist origins of PP, but think I might just make everyone else stop listening to anything I say. If anyone asks me anything after class (doubtful, but if it happens) I will be more than happy to share with them the ideas of PP’s founder.

Also listen to Jason Evert’s talk online live to Catholic High School students. It’s excellent. If you fast forward to 1 hour into the talk Jason gives unbelievable information (12 minutes) on condoms, std’s and etc. It’s one of the best talks I ever heard.

I saw Christopher West speak live about a year ago. Outside of seeing Fr. Corapi live, Christopher West was the best live speaker I have seen.
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