Need Opinion (Especially women's!)

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I’m not sure if this should go here or in vocations but…

Anyway, I’m a first semester freshmen in College. I’ve always planned on being a veterinarian, horse vet. All of my high school classes were gearing towards that, everything I’ve ever done since middle school. But recently I’ve begun to think about becoming an obstetrician instead. I dont’ know why this suddenly occured to me but it’s sort of a firm, persistant itch in my mind now. Here’s where you come in.

Do you have an opinion? I like the idea that I could be a good Catholic Doctor wheras as a vet I couldnt’ really do anything for the church (I feel). To the women out there, would you care if your husband was an OB-GYN? One of my friends thought that I couldn’t see women…who weren’t my wife, like that because I’m Catholic. I didn’t think that was true but thought I’d ask. I thought that it might be good because I would be an orthodox Catholic, the world needs more Pro-Life doctors, right?

How did you all decide your career? Any advice out there? (Really concerned about whether women wouldn’t like their husband being an OB-GYN. Don’t want to scare away a good woman because of a career!)
I would have **no issue **with my DH being an OB/GYN (catholic) and seeing other woman as patients…I mean how else would e pay of those student loans:p .
But then I prefer male doctors to begin with so I would not see a woman doctor.
(Really concerned about whether women wouldn’t like their husband being an OB-GYN. Don’t want to scare away a good woman because of a career!)
I would love it if my husband wanted to be a ob-gyn because then he could be my doctor! 😃
All joking aside though, I wouldn’t mind if that’s the career path my husband took. It’s a respectable career and something that one would have to have an objective point of view on when examining a patient. You’d have all kinds of patients of every shapes and sizes. To be a pro-life doctor would be excellent and help women who may have crisis pregnancies choose a path that a pro-choice doctor may not prescribe, like adoption.
Go for it! 👍
I would have **no issue **with my DH being an OB/GYN (catholic) and seeing other woman as patients…
I agree! I’d have no problem with that! I think you’d just have to meet a good Catholic girl with strong confidence (knowing your husband is an OB may be a little difficult for some, but not others)… I don’t see it as a question of morality, though!
I thought that it might be good because I would be an orthodox Catholic, the world needs more Pro-Life doctors, right?
I think you have a very noble motivation…

Good luck getting through school! You may change your mind, so be open! It’s only your freshman year… you’ve got a lot ahead of you! Either way, veterinary and medical school require most of the same undergrad prerequesites… so you should be fine!

God bless!
I would have no problem with that at all. I think we need more dr’s who are pro-life and could help families with NFP, etc.
I have a wonderful NFP only Catholic doctor. Our whole family goes to him and he also delivers babies! So he’s a general practicioner and an ob/gyn (and he’s married with lots of children!). I don’t know what training that requires, but I have to say I love it. It’s great that he knows the whole family and that I can trust to send my children to him when they are older and they will have good medical care and someone who believes what the church teaches about human sexuality! It’s great he knows, understands and practices NFP! He’s been a real blessing to our family!

Perhaps you could find a dr like this in your area (try One More Soul ) and talk to him to get a better understanding!

God bless,

We NEED more good, Catholic, truly pro-life OBs in the world. I say go for it!
I am more comfortable seeing a male doctor who is fully Catholic than a female one who is CINO or does not uphold the strong pro-life values I think are so so impt.

I would have no problem with my husband being an OB/Gyn. It simply takes a woman who is secure and grounded in her faith to realize that her husband’s/your vocation is one that too few people are following in the way God planned.

If this truly is your vocation, God bless you and be strong in your faith. Otherwise, poop on you 😛 (just kidding, God bless you anyway for following the vocation God has called you to.)
The male gyns I’ve seen have seemed to take me a bit more seriously than some of the women, maybe because they realized that there was no way they could fully relate and thus were more willing to listen to my point of view. I don’t think it’s weird at all- a male OB-GYN knows how complicated women are (physically and otherwise), respects that fact enough to want to practice in the field, and probably likes babies. What’s not to like?

My friend’s husband is an OB-GYN resident right now. It weirded her out a little when he was doing his clinical rotations and really loved that rotation, but she got used to it and is totally fine now. (They’re not Catholic, but super-devout evangelical Christians from a denom much stricter than Catholicism on many issues.)
I’m not sure if this should go here or in vocations but…

Anyway, I’m a first semester freshmen in College. I’ve always planned on being a veterinarian, horse vet. All of my high school classes were gearing towards that, everything I’ve ever done since middle school. But recently I’ve begun to think about becoming an obstetrician instead. I dont’ know why this suddenly occured to me but it’s sort of a firm, persistant itch in my mind now. Here’s where you come in.

Do you have an opinion? I like the idea that I could be a good Catholic Doctor wheras as a vet I couldnt’ really do anything for the church (I feel). To the women out there, would you care if your husband was an OB-GYN? One of my friends thought that I couldn’t see women…who weren’t my wife, like that because I’m Catholic. I didn’t think that was true but thought I’d ask. I thought that it might be good because I would be an orthodox Catholic, the world needs more Pro-Life doctors, right?

How did you all decide your career? Any advice out there? (Really concerned about whether women wouldn’t like their husband being an OB-GYN. Don’t want to scare away a good woman because of a career!)
Go wherever God calls you. If He has marriage in mind as your vocation, he’ll send you a good woman who won’t be frightened off. 🙂 Besides, from what I hear, OB/GYN’s see so many patients that the view isn’t really all that “exciting” to them, compared to any other part of the body when they are dealing with people on a professional level.

Also, speaking as a woman, I would LOVE it if there were more pro-life OB’s (or Dr’s in any area) out there who also support NFP.
Another “yeah!” vote here! (from a woman) Give the world another prolife OB-GYN!
But then I prefer male doctors to begin with so I would not see a woman doctor.
This is an interesting statement. Can you please explain why you prefer male docotrs over female ones? I am passing no judgment, just want to know your reason(s).

To the OP: a pro-life ob/gyn is a noble, challenging profession in today’s culture. I know of a male, pro-life ob/gyn and he is well liked. I also have seen a couple of male ob/gyn’s and have never had a problem, though I don’t think they practiced pro-life. The medical profession needs more doctors like you. Good luck.
Go wherever God calls you. If He has marriage in mind as your vocation, he’ll send you a good woman who won’t be frightened off
…Duh. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Of course He will. Thanks to everyone who responded, you’ve really helped me come closer to a decision. I’m leaning towards changing majors I believe. I’m almost positive I’ll be pre-med next semester.

Thanks again everyone!
Rawb, The OB/GYN’s that I go to are a husband and wife team. I guess she knows what is involved and doesn’t mind her husband being in this profession…
I would not be bothered at all by if my husband were an OB/GYN. If that is where God is calling you, go for it! Prayers for you and your discernment. I can’t find an NPF only dr. in my area, so I know we need more out there.
I have been lucky enough to have a pro-life ob/gyn. He was awesome! I was encouraged when I was having a very high risk pregnancy and I had to go in during the office lunch time. They were doing a training session. All the dr’s and nurses and staff were sitting in front of a TV with a video on. My dr came out of his office to see what the training was on before he saw me and apparently didn’t like the lector by reputation. He threw down the pamphlet he had picked up about the training and said he refused to watch it because the lector was an abortionist. Then he took me into his office and apologized for his outburst…I told him I applauded him standing up for the unborn. As he was examining me there was knock on the door, one of the nurses found the training offensive and asked if she could assist the doctor with my care rather than stay in the training.

As a side note, I have had both male and female OB’s. I don’t judge them by gender, rather, I am a pain in the rear, but I always interview my doctors before I enter their care. I have had very bad male and female OB’s and I have had outstanding male and female OB’s.

About your mention of whether you could see other patients than your wife…I think this is a question because of moral ethics. If you are not planning on viewing your future patients as potential sexual partners but rather as patients, there is no problem with seeing other women’s body parts. After a while, no matter how caring a doctor you become, these will be just body parts. In fact, my ex husband did a rotation as an RN through OB/GYN and after wards was not interested in anyones, including my body parts…hazzard of the profession I am afraid.
Well, I’m personally not comfortable seeing a male doctor, but having said that, there is a very well known (in this area, at least) male OBGYN, Dr. John Bruchalski, and women literally flock to see him because he is so Catholic and pro-life and never prescribes birth control. He also sees women who would otherwise go to an abortionist and he foots the bill for it! So many people in this area want to support him, good Catholics do at least. But he is sometimes in a position where he is having to solicit donations from people because the cost of malpractice insurance is so high.

And having said THAT, I’d much rather see more of this interest and energy devoted to natural birth and midwifery. If you have a passion for this line of work, perhaps you can be one of those doctors who are on-call and accepting of patients who plan to have home births or birth center births but their plans for some reason go awry. Birth centers always have back-up doctors to call in case of emergency, and quite frankly there are circumstances when medical intervention is necessary, but it’s pretty rare. If you do go into this line of work, please, please read up on natural birth and the role of nutrition (so many medical students skip the optional nutrition class, I’m told), and the risks of medical interventions. Be willing to advise your patients (at least those who want to) to try it without the epidural. Just don’t put much stock in what the AMA, ACOG, or AAP say. They almost always have third party interests and financial interests at hand. They are not on the whole truly interested in keeping people healthy. You could be another Dr. Bradley, but a Catholic one!! We need doctors like that in this world.
I think that’s a great idea.
I just have one suggestion, if you do it, get some training outside of medical school as a “midwife” to learn more about natural birth rather than birth as a medical event. We really need more doctors that are willing to attend homebirths or -oh I guess I’m echoing the previous poster- be back-ups for birth centers.
I am a nurse and let me tell you, parts are parts-ya know. Go for it-we need good mds in all fields. By the time you get into med school, you will be sure of your choice.
…Duh. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Of course He will. Thanks to everyone who responded, you’ve really helped me come closer to a decision. I’m leaning towards changing majors I believe. I’m almost positive I’ll be pre-med next semester.

Thanks again everyone!
Good luck Rawb. I am a first Year male med Student and at first was just thinking family medicine, but after working with Dr. Thomas Hilgers at the Pope Paul VI Institute (, I have become more open to OB/GYN because this profession is severely warped with contraception and birth control pills for gyn health reasons, sterilizations, and artificial reproductive technologies. I am still discerning, but could see God leading me here because woman deserve better than that and the Institute’s Naprotechnology is a new paradiagm in Women’s Health that is superior to current methods and in line with Catholic teaching. If we are going to change the profession and you find God leading you here, see it as an opportunity for Christ to heal women and families through us.
I am currently dating a wonderful Catholic girl who is doing pharmacy and she says she is totally comfortable if I became an OB/GYN and supportive. So basically what I am saying is we need good Catholic guys like you in the field and the woman you should marry would be completely supportive of you because as doctors we come to the profession with the aim to heal. Yes we will be in front of people when they are naked and vulnerable, but we bring (or should bring) a level of professionalism that shows respect and dignity and also has the art of medicine in mind, not a chance to take advantage of patients or look on them lustfully. If you have any personal questions just PM me or email me at and checkout the above website for the Pope Paul Vi Institute to learn more about Naprotechnology. If you do decide to go to Med School and pursue ObGyn, they have opportunities to learn Creighton Model NFP and Dr. Hilgers has a new surgical fellowship for ObGyn’s who have completed their residency and wish to learn Naprotechnology Surgery. Hopefully this new, superior, (and totally in line with Church teaching)women’s health paradiagm will spread through Catholics like us who want to offer women and families something better. May Christ guide you in your continued discernment.
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