Need Verse Suggestions for my new way of Evangelizing

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Even though I go to a Catholic University, strong faith and formation are few and far between. I try to evangelize by speaking up in my theology classes and having long talks with my friends, But I’ve thought of a new way I could bring people some of the bible.

We all have dry erase boards on our doors, and I was wanting to write scripture on mine so that anyone walking by would be forced to read some kind of verse every week and hopefully something will sink in one day!

But I just don’t even know where to being in picking something accessible that could reach out to so many confused and searching students, and I’m afraid some of my favorite verses might be too complex or Catholic to be immediately accessible…

So please I would love some suggestions on some great verses that I could bring to the people on my floor and anyone else who passes by! Thanks so much!
Even though I go to a Catholic University, strong faith and formation are few and far between. I try to evangelize by speaking up in my theology classes and having long talks with my friends, But I’ve thought of a new way I could bring people some of the bible.

We all have dry erase boards on our doors, and I was wanting to write scripture on mine so that anyone walking by would be forced to read some kind of verse every week and hopefully something will sink in one day!

But I just don’t even know where to being in picking something accessible that could reach out to so many confused and searching students, and I’m afraid some of my favorite verses might be too complex or Catholic to be immediately accessible…

So please I would love some suggestions on some great verses that I could bring to the people on my floor and anyone else who passes by! Thanks so much!
Why not take a verse from the daily readings at Mass each day? That way, your message could be “in sync” with what the Church is praying and focusing on that day? (Just a thought…) 🙂

BTW, what college do you attend? (Just curious.)
I’d maybe start with Mt 22:36-40. You might have to paraphrase a bit but it is one of the cores of the faith…

Even though I go to a Catholic University, strong faith and formation are few and far between. I try to evangelize by speaking up in my theology classes and having long talks with my friends, But I’ve thought of a new way I could bring people some of the bible.

We all have dry erase boards on our doors, and I was wanting to write scripture on mine so that anyone walking by would be forced to read some kind of verse every week and hopefully something will sink in one day!

But I just don’t even know where to being in picking something accessible that could reach out to so many confused and searching students, and I’m afraid some of my favorite verses might be too complex or Catholic to be immediately accessible…

So please I would love some suggestions on some great verses that I could bring to the people on my floor and anyone else who passes by! Thanks so much!
I like the dry erase board on your door - frequent quotes from the saints would be nice, especially for people who are turned off by Scripture. You can give the the gospel without them even knowing it.

Also consider, when the weather is warmer, wearing t-shirts that have quotes from Scripture and the saints on it.

God Bless and Have Fun with Evangelizing
Why not take a verse from the daily readings at Mass each day? That way, your message could be “in sync” with what the Church is praying and focusing on that day? (Just a thought…) 🙂

BTW, what college do you attend? (Just curious.)
I go to St. Edward’s in Austin Texas. It is a train wreck of a Catholic school, the Enemy definitely is working here to say the least. Unfortunately I started finding out just how bad it really was after I had already committed to coming here

The professors teach straight up wrong theology, they claim to have strong Catholic values based solely on the fact that the school is big on service, a pro-abortion article just appeared in our school newspaper, the things that go on in the halls are so sinful and kind of scary, and one of our campus minister practices “alternative Catholicism” what ever that even means.

I’m transferring out, but while Im still here I’m trying to evangelize as much as I can!
I go to St. Edward’s in Austin Texas. It is a train wreck of a Catholic school, the Enemy definitely is working here to say the least. Unfortunately I started finding out just how bad it really was after I had already committed to coming here

The professors teach straight up wrong theology, they claim to have strong Catholic values based solely on the fact that the school is big on service, a pro-abortion article just appeared in our school newspaper, the things that go on in the halls are so sinful and kind of scary, and one of our campus minister practices “alternative Catholicism” what ever that even means.

I’m transferring out, but while Im still here I’m trying to evangelize as much as I can!
Good girl! You kind of remind me of me, except I’m an old grandpa! (LOL) I’d never stay at such a place. I’d give testimony to them by shaking the dust of my sandals in their faces. Many Catholic colleges are really no more Catholic than Bob Jones University (very anti-Catholic place, actually). They should have their Catholic charter removed by the bishops and made to declare themselves a secular college. They’re guilty of false advertising, to say the least! Kind of like the University of Notre Dame, who has “gone over to the other side.”

There are some good, real Catholic colleges in this country, but not many. Most are fake. God bless and good luck to you!
I’ve always liked Mark 3:24-25 because even though in that instance it talks of Satan it also speaks about many things including the Church and politics. It can start a whole host of talks and is something that pertains to today. In fact you can look around and see it everywhere. I’ll let you check it out…you’ll probably remember Abraham Lincoln used this scripture reading once.
Good girl! You kind of remind me of me, except I’m an old grandpa! (LOL) I’d never stay at such a place. I’d give testimony to them by shaking the dust of my sandals in their faces. Many Catholic colleges are really no more Catholic than Bob Jones University (very anti-Catholic place, actually). They should have their Catholic charter removed by the bishops and made to declare themselves a secular college. They’re guilty of false advertising, to say the least! Kind of like the University of Notre Dame, who has “gone over to the other side.”

There are some good, real Catholic colleges in this country, but not many. Most are fake. God bless and good luck to you!
Actually St. Eds was founded by the same person who founded Notre Dame! So that says a lot about the school. I’m either going to Franciscan or University of Dallas next year, both great places! Thanks!
I’ve always liked Mark 3:24-25 because even though in that instance it talks of Satan it also speaks about many things including the Church and politics. It can start a whole host of talks and is something that pertains to today. In fact you can look around and see it everywhere. I’ll let you check it out…you’ll probably remember Abraham Lincoln used this scripture reading once.
And thanks for that suggestion, right now I have a quote from JPII up about the nature of true love, God knows so many of the kids here are confused about that!
Even though I go to a Catholic University, strong faith and formation are few and far between. I try to evangelize by speaking up in my theology classes and having long talks with my friends, But I’ve thought of a new way I could bring people some of the bible.

We all have dry erase boards on our doors, and I was wanting to write scripture on mine so that anyone walking by would be forced to read some kind of verse every week and hopefully something will sink in one day!

But I just don’t even know where to being in picking something accessible that could reach out to so many confused and searching students, and I’m afraid some of my favorite verses might be too complex or Catholic to be immediately accessible…

So please I would love some suggestions on some great verses that I could bring to the people on my floor and anyone else who passes by! Thanks so much!
Write the verses basic to the New Covenant, Jer 31:33-34:

**“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
34 No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the LORD.
“For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more.” **

Also, 1 Cor 2:9:

**“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived that which God has in store for those who love him,”

I go to St. Edward’s in Austin Texas. It is a train wreck of a Catholic school, the Enemy definitely is working here to say the least. Unfortunately I started finding out just how bad it really was after I had already committed to coming here

The professors teach straight up wrong theology, they claim to have strong Catholic values based solely on the fact that the school is big on service, a pro-abortion article just appeared in our school newspaper, the things that go on in the halls are so sinful and kind of scary, and one of our campus minister practices “alternative Catholicism” what ever that even means.

I’m transferring out, but while Im still here I’m trying to evangelize as much as I can!
These are heroic times we live in and you’ve got your work cut out for you.

Do the basic catholic things really, really well:
  • Pray the Rosary everyday.
  • Go to Confession on a frequent basis
  • Go to Mass
  • Maintain a life of prayer and a life of the spirit
  • Read scripture everyday
  • Pray before meals (wherever you may find yourself eating that meal) and make the sign of the cross.
Pray for your professors and your fellow students. They sound like they really need it.
Continue to fight the good fight…a message for your erase board could be - Pray the Rosary.

God bless you my child.
Matt 28: 20 …and I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.

John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Matt 17: 5 …from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well please. Listen to Him.”

How’s that for a start?

Matt 28: 20 …and I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.

John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Matt 17: 5 …from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well please. Listen to Him.”

How’s that for a start?

thats actually great! Thanks so much, I think Ill get John 3:16 up there pretty soon. Thats a good one!
Honestly, as an older student, I resent your biased remarks about St. Edwards. I think it is uncharitable to say the ‘Enemy’ is working at a school that has taught and given me so much. Do you want to go to a school where everyone thinks the same as you? The school is diverse. They don’t hide the fact that only about 40% of the students who attend identify as Catholic. The school (thankfully) does not require that professors who teach identify as Catholic, but instead that they be qualified.

It doesn’t appear to me that you’ve spoken with any faculty about your concerns yet. Do it. You’re in college. Be brave; you won’t survive in the real world if you don’t.
St. John says: << And the world, with all its disordered desires, is passing away. But whoever does the will of God remains for ever >> ( 1Jn 2, 17 )
Even though I go to a Catholic University, strong faith and formation are few and far between. I try to evangelize by speaking up in my theology classes and having long talks with my friends, But I’ve thought of a new way I could bring people some of the bible.

We all have dry erase boards on our doors, and I was wanting to write scripture on mine so that anyone walking by would be forced to read some kind of verse every week and hopefully something will sink in one day!

But I just don’t even know where to being in picking something accessible that could reach out to so many confused and searching students, and I’m afraid some of my favorite verses might be too complex or Catholic to be immediately accessible…

So please I would love some suggestions on some great verses that I could bring to the people on my floor and anyone else who passes by! Thanks so much! this link has a bunch of scripture references for catholic teachings.
From time to time put up teasers and humor to keep people interrested.

Beginning of Term, book buying

Ecclesiastes 12:12
And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Cramming for Final Exams

Daniel 7:10
A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

End of Term,

Acts 19:19
Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

Test Prayer,

Philippians 4:6-8
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.
Hi, College Girl!

I hope this site will help you find good Bible verses: It has “Famous Bible verses and quotes arranged by topic.” 🙂 I think your idea is great!

If you need short verses, you might want to find a Catholic calendar. I’ve had some in the past which had great verses, or parts of verses, short enough to fit in the little boxes on the calendar.

And there is nothing wrong with expecting a “Catholic college” to actually** be **Catholic and teach in accordance to Catholic teachings, and wanting to transfer to such a college. Good for you! 👍
The bible clearly states, not to stop those that preach/teach in my name,and also,from the letters of Paul,that"(I shall not work on another mans foundation)".

Protestant and Catholic evangelizing is hopefully a little different!!!

I understand the pope has called for an evangelistic approach for us now,but im not all that sure for some,of whether that means, shut the door so the horse cant bolt attitude or what you seem to have in mind!

I have trodden such a path and without proper guidance, i.e(spititus)and then which it can be a long way back,to obedience again,also which is before faith in the book,so when there is a verse required!!!(there it is).

Good luck & take care!
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