Needing advice a situation

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:confused: +JMJ

Ok I needs some advice. My fiance forgets her engagment ring sometime :eek: and it doesn’t seem to bother her. I am getting a bit upset about it. What should I do I have said things in charity to her about it and tried to be as kind as possible but it is happening more and more frequently and I don’t know what to do.

I believe the engagment ring and weeding ring should be worn at all times except: doing hard work outside, washing dishes, and other duties around the house that could break it. But outside the house it should be worn at all times. Am I wrong on this or is this just me being very anal???
Just one question…are you worried that she has forgotten what the ring symbolizes? Or are you worried that someone may try and infringe on your woman (successfully)? I don’t wear mine often (work related), but I also don’t look at that silly piece of rock as being the basis for my relationship to my hubby. My dad and mom have been married for over 50 years, but he is an OBGYN, and therefore doesn’t wear his ring. (Don’t want neo-nates with nose rings, ya know). I am a chemist, and likewise don’t alweays wear my rings. Doesn’t mean I don’t honor my vows. Give your intended the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’s worried that you look at her not wearing the ring as a sign that she doesn’t honor you…and is offended. Maybe you should trust more…or not marry.
Just one question…are you worried that she has forgotten what the ring symbolizes?.
Yes I do worry she does forget mainly neiter her nor I have been married. Also she also doesn’t wear jewlery unless it is important bit was explained by the priest in our pre-canna class so far how important it is to wear the engagment ring.
Or are you worried that someone may try and infringe on your woman (successfully)?.
People try to “infringe” on this all the time at her work mainly cause she works with a bunch of latharios who have no concept of what a commitment is nor a wedding vow.
Give your intended the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’s worried that you look at her not wearing the ring as a sign that she doesn’t honor you…and is offended. Maybe you should trust more…or not marry.
I always give her the benefit of the doubt. I also do know she does hold me in the highest honor I have been held in and when she is offended she has no problem speeking her mind and letting me know she is. As far as trust we all need learn to trust more no matter how many years of marriage we have been in. I couldn’t not think of not marrying this woman God has given to me to help get to heaven.
Jay - OUCH!!!

My DH doesn’t wear his ring due to his job. He normally puts it on if we go out. Sometimes he puts it on when he goes out by himself. 👍

I wear my ring all the time. The only time I take it off is if I’m going to be putting my hands into raw hamburger. Otherwise, I always leave it on. Its just an engraved band. I don’t like diamonds. I’m not into other jewelry.
I think you are over reacting. Sorry to ask this but is it really about the ring or is there more that you are not saying. Do you trust your fiance. Do you really think that by her not wearing the ring it leaves room for somebody else to steal her away from you. Today whether you wear a ring or not it does not stop anybody from trying their luck.

What difference does it make whether she wears the ring or not the most important thing is that you guys are going to spend the rest of your lives together. That she has committed herself to YOU and to nobody else. A marriage is based on honesty, trust, love, care, respect. If you trust her then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. And you have nothing to feel insecure about.

I wear alot of jewellery bangles, chains, rings on both hands. But sometimes it irritates me so much that I take the lot off and not wear it for days on end. My wedding ring (even though I am soon to be divorced) is very thick and stops just below my knuckle sometimes it really irritates and hurts me so I take it off and not wear the ring again until the swelling and redness goes away. And also sometimes it is not safe to wear all your jewellery because it leaves room to be mugged.

Don’t let the ring story bother you so much. Sometimes these things happen. I love my jewellery but sometimes it become just too much. It does not mean that she does not love you or that she is not committted to you. And she has explained to you why she does not wear the ring it is not intentional and don’t get upset about it.

You mention about the place she works whereby (People try to “infringe” on this all the time at her work mainly cause she works with a bunch of latharios who have no concept of what a commitment is nor a wedding vow.). Do you think that if she listened to these people or entertained them that she would be marrying you or wanting to spend the rest of her life with you.

Don’t let it worry you so much and pray about it.
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