Neighborhood "doorknob evangelization"

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Has anyone purchased large quantities of Catholic Answers’ new outreach brochure, ‘God’s Love for You’, and distributed them door to door? If so, did you knock on doors, or simply leave the pamphlets in doorknob baggies? Any interaction with neighbors, or feedback?

I have not done the above yet, but I plan to very soon, and to include, in the doorknob baggies, an invitation to attend three local Catholic Churches on Sunday, with a small map and parish contact info. I’ve secured permission from the three parish priests, and from the parish priest who is overseer of the geographic territory in which my neighborhood resides. Any suggestions for other things to include in this “doorknob evangelization” baggie? I’m thinking about including a tract which makes the case for the divinity of Christ; does anyone know of such a tract and where to get it?
Hi Nate,

That is a fantastic idea. I would love to do the same here.

Were your priests really receptive to the idea?

Here is the link for the tract

Bulk copies of that tract and lots others are available from

Good luck !

Love Kellie

P.S Karl, do I get commission for telling people to buy from your site? :rotfl:
Recommended in the God’s Love For You brochure itself, Jimmy Akin’s booklet, Mass Appeal: the ABC’s of Worship, might make a nice addition to your doorknob baggies. Maybe the folks at Catholic Answers can give you a deal for ordering bulk quantities, otherwise they are $1.95 each.

This might be a little too Catholic, as it includes some devotional prayers to Mary and other popular saints, but another item for your doorknob baggies might be something similar to The Good Shepherd Prayer Book, pocket edition, published by the Devon Trading Corp., NJ (ISBN 1-888765-60-7). It measures only about 2" x 3" but has 64 pages. It’s really cute and, best of all, I paid only $.98 for a copy at my local Catholic bookstore.

From the Table of Contents:
The Sign of the Cross…Our Father…Hail Mary…Glory Be…Morning Offering…Evening Prayer…Grace Before Meals…Grace After Meals…Prayer to My Guardian Angel…10 Commandments…The Angelus…The Apostles’ Creed…Beatitudes…The Memorare…The Rosary…Prayer to St. Jude…Prayer to St. Francis…Prayer to St. Michael…Prayer to St. Gerard…Prayer to St. Peregrine…7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit…Prayer for Families…Prayer for Faith, Hope & Love…Act of Faith, Act of Hope…Act of Love…Stations of the Cross…Prayer before a Crucifix…Act of Contrition…Prayer for Our Parish…Prayer for Unity…Prayer to Listen to Our Lord…Serenity Prayer…Anima Christi…Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus…Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary…Litany of St. Joseph.

My only complaint is that the section on the Rosary gives only the title of the different mysteries (The Annunciation, The Visitation, etc.) but doesn’t elaborate on the them or give Scripture references. Nor does it mention the new Luminous Mysteries.

Do you know where I can buy this book, The Good Shepherd Prayer Book, pocket edition, published by the Devon Trading Corp., NJ (ISBN 1-888765-60-7). online?
Christ’s peace. The Pope John Paul II Society of Evangelists is yet another organization that seeks to make evangelization as affordable as possible - either low cost or no cost, depending. To sustain themselves, they ask for a modest pledge, both monetarily and to the faith.

May God richly bless your efforts, both in this life and in the eternity to come.
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