I am a member of the Catholic Church at an Air Force Base Chapel. The chapel is a building shared with Protestants. Jewish and Muslim worship is also held there, though not regularly for the two, because of lack of participation. It is designed so that all the “Catholic stuff” such as holy water fonts, a crucifix etc fold into the walls. They have a Blessed Sacrament Chapel in a lockable room which also has a Baptismal font. I have never witnessed any litugical abuse or felt anything was distasteful about the Mass held on base. My husband and I feel called to support the Catholic presence at our Base, and enjoy worshiping with our military community. One of the wonderful benefits is the opportunity for joint efforts between the various religions! We often work together to have fund raisers, carnivals etc.
I actually now have, what I feel, are valid concerns. I just read in the base paper that the “Neo-Pagan earth-based faith group will meet Aug 28 at 7:00 PM in chapel two”… where we go to Mass! I find this disturbing! I have no problem sharing my worship space at the base chapel with Protestants, Jews and Muslims, although I may disagree with their theology, we are at least all worshiping God, and we respect one another.
I find it disturbing and sacreligious that we will now be sharing space with pagans who will be worshiping gods and goddess and nature and whatever… I am sure that some of them are witches because I have met a few women who are in this group and practice witchcraft, they are in a coven together. I am floored. I believe in freedom of religion,even on a military base, but I feel strongly that our base chapel should be reserved for God. It would be like an Early Christian going into a Roman temple and using the altar for the Eucharist…Or going to a place of witchcraft and asking the witches and warlocks if we can join for Mass there…** I feel it lowers the status of God in the minds of the military base,For Him to be worshiped in a place were false gods and goddesses and, who knows what else, is worshiped-…**They have been meeting in another location until now and the use of the chapel is a breakthrough for them because they want the accepted status of their religion, they really don’t NEED the space, they are making a statement. They have the freedom to meet at other locations. I don’t want to leave my parish, especially at a time like this! I am venting to people who will understand my concern, but I also want some advice. I will leave my parish if I must. I would be backing out of commitments.
I actually now have, what I feel, are valid concerns. I just read in the base paper that the “Neo-Pagan earth-based faith group will meet Aug 28 at 7:00 PM in chapel two”… where we go to Mass! I find this disturbing! I have no problem sharing my worship space at the base chapel with Protestants, Jews and Muslims, although I may disagree with their theology, we are at least all worshiping God, and we respect one another.
I find it disturbing and sacreligious that we will now be sharing space with pagans who will be worshiping gods and goddess and nature and whatever… I am sure that some of them are witches because I have met a few women who are in this group and practice witchcraft, they are in a coven together. I am floored. I believe in freedom of religion,even on a military base, but I feel strongly that our base chapel should be reserved for God. It would be like an Early Christian going into a Roman temple and using the altar for the Eucharist…Or going to a place of witchcraft and asking the witches and warlocks if we can join for Mass there…** I feel it lowers the status of God in the minds of the military base,For Him to be worshiped in a place were false gods and goddesses and, who knows what else, is worshiped-…**They have been meeting in another location until now and the use of the chapel is a breakthrough for them because they want the accepted status of their religion, they really don’t NEED the space, they are making a statement. They have the freedom to meet at other locations. I don’t want to leave my parish, especially at a time like this! I am venting to people who will understand my concern, but I also want some advice. I will leave my parish if I must. I would be backing out of commitments.