tripp(name removed by moderator)rincezz:
I have no problem with them meeting at another location. I wondered what other Catholics thought about this and if they thought it compromises anything. If it is an abuse in any way. I am tolerant of other’s beliefs, but am concerned about whether it is disrespectful to my God for this to go on.
As I mentioned before I know two of the women and actually know the woman in charge, I work closely with her on another project.
I am sorry you had a bad experience with the Catholic religion as a child, It is my greatest treasure on Earth and it makes me sad for others who had bad experiences.
Peace Be With You
I respect your freedom of religion, and I am not “afraid” of witchcraft, although it goes strongly against my religious views, I am not afraid that someone will cast a “spell” on me, I believe God will protect me from all evil. I understand that not all Wiccans are witches and that not all witches are “bad”, but I feel that any power other than that which comes from God has the potential to be evil, I won’t sugar coat it so as not to offend anyone, I will be honest, I don’t believe we are worshiping the same “creator/force/whatever.” My God has revealed Himself to humanity over the course of over many thousands of years, as he revealed Himself to His chosen people…Religion is the human response to mystery as divine. I believe the pagan religions that developed were searching for the one true God but had no guidence, when Christ came, He came to save both Jews and Gentiles.Just because Pagans choose to worship the creator(s) of life in the form of a god and goddess does not make them wrong. It is just the way they choose to worship. You have no right to say that they are wrong, just as they would have no right to say that you are wrong for believing in only one, male god. Personally, I believe that all religions are worshiping the same creator/force/whatever, but the religion that they choose is just their preferred way of worshipping. All paths lead to the same destination. If more people had this way of thinking, i really think the world would be a better place.
As for the “witches” you are so afraid of. Witchcraft in itself is not evil. People can use it for evil, but not many do. It’s the same with guns. Guns in themselves aren’t wrong or evil, but some people choose to use them for that purpose. And although I can’t speak for all Pagans as I have not studied all forms, if any of those witches are Wiccan, they are not allowed to cause harmful or manipulative spells. And not all Pagans and Wiccans practice witchcraft, some do ,some don’t…it’s not a requirement. And a “spell” is just essentially a prayer, only sometimes with ritual added. A Wiccan might light a candle as part of their spell/prayer, for example, to help heal a loved one. Last time I checked, Christians do the same thing.
I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 4 years, and went to Church most of my life. I think it is a good religion with good prinicples, I just didn’t agree with everything. Part of it may have been that every time I disagreed with my mother about something, I was “sinning”. That wasn’t the whole of it, but it played an influence. I still respect the Catholic religion, and other religions in general, but currently I am studying Wicca, and it teaches the same good qualities that most religions do. One thing that did appeal to me is that it is a lot more tolerant of others’ beliefs. Of course there are going to be some people that think every other religion is wrong, but you find that in any belief system.
I have no problem with them meeting at another location. I wondered what other Catholics thought about this and if they thought it compromises anything. If it is an abuse in any way. I am tolerant of other’s beliefs, but am concerned about whether it is disrespectful to my God for this to go on.
As I mentioned before I know two of the women and actually know the woman in charge, I work closely with her on another project.
I am sorry you had a bad experience with the Catholic religion as a child, It is my greatest treasure on Earth and it makes me sad for others who had bad experiences.
Peace Be With You