Sorry I missed that. :nope: awww. Intolerance, would be, in this case, condemning someone’s beliefs without really bothering to understand them and without any real proof of who’s right and who’s wrong. And you can quote me all the scripture you’d like, but the Bible was still written by men.I asked before and asked you what your definition of intolerant was. You never replied. I also remarked about your truth and my truth being relativistic. No reply or defense their either.
And yes, our truths are relativistic. But I can at least accept that hey, maybe I’m not completely right, but neither are you. There is no proof either way. So although I have my own version of the truth, I am not going to call yours wrong, either. Because we could both be partially right or both be wrong, all that matters is we are worshipping the same God. And unfortunately, most people here have the mentality of I’m right and you’re wrong. That’s why people get killed. That’s why wars start. That’s why something like 9/11 happened. Because of people with that mentality.