No. I am saying that an investigation into how to merge the best of the modern Catholic philosophers without any appeal to love in conjunction with a true conversion to Catholicism is doomed to produce a vacuum that will be filled with a cold existential intellectualism that cannot cope with tragedy.Evidence of what really works? I think this is where we’re going to have to part ways Camron.
Your thoughts are practical – but you are essentially creating an appeal out of pragmatism.
Well, you are asking how do we reach the secular world, are you not? What other standard would you actually use to see if this actually works or not? And by what standard would you measure exactly how effectively our reaching out to the secular world really is?Shall we now say truth is dictated simply by the per person conversion rate of a religion?
You start by going to the conversion stories of atheists to Catholicism and see what actually drew them in, what called out to them, which of the philosophers did they heed, which of the early fathers made sense to them, and why did they even seek this truth to begin with?
In most cases, the former atheists were either feeling emptiness inside or else they were afflicted by someone (within the Church) who seriously abused their authority and really hurt the former atheist in the process, leading them toward atheism in the first place.
Our Church does not exist in a vacuum. Frankly, in this day an age because of the problems you’ve cited above, the marketplace of ideas have grown. And in order for children to be fed, money for the mortgage, etc – there’s a whole of other places that people can get those questions answered. They have nationalism, random political ideologies, science, other religions, or just plain old non-reflective “Get Resources” mentality.
Right, and this is what the Church sets herself against, the idea that the answers only be found by fulfilling one’s material needs.And if all that fails, there is still a number of demagogues forming a line to the right selling the “ultimate cure to life’s ills” and some snake oil.
To which I will note no one really cares about when their best friend is dying of cancer. In fact, in these instances anyway, they couldn’t care less about what Augustine, or Aquinas, or Bonaventure, or Scotus actually said hundreds or even over a thousand years ago. They want concrete answers, mostly in the form of comfort, and not a heady philosophical argument.To which i quote St. Augustine:
That’s my whole point in brining this up. Without the love of Monica we would not have the philosophy of Augustine. To ignore this important point (and claim that the philosophy is a bit more important than the love and conversion) really belies the very point that this whole discussion about philosophy should truly be concerned with.Please do not ignore the fact that there exists People of the Head along with People of the Heart. Even Augustine acknowledged this when he drew comparsions between himself and his blessed mother Monica.