I’ve not watched it yet, but perhaps shall, now, with some cynicism.
Netflix can be "creative with “the truth” just as they have been in their representation of the British Royal family in “The Royals”, which though on principle I refuse to watch, has frequent injections of slanderous untruths throughout that series, as has frequently been reported in the British Press, while convincing many people in other nations, who have no reason to question the contrived hostility and duplicity of the character representations of that family. Faults, they have, as has any person, but to distort and fictionalize reality that causes undeserved harm and hurt, is cynically evil.
In the case of the Vatican girl, if Netflix’s version is keyed to the detrimental and untrue, it perhaps provides another blow to the Faith for more souls than have already been harmed in the past by what appear to have been certain sins.