Netflix's Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

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I just started watching it and I really love it, especially since I read her book a couple years ago.

I LOVE that it’s not like “Hoarders” I had to dump that show big time because it was becoming a sin for me in that I’d compare and feel superior to the people on that show. This one is humbling in that the “messy homes” are cleaner than mine!

I love the organization tips, I love the approach to organizing…the ONLY thing that makes me really uncomfortable is the obviously eastern-based idea of essentially praying to the house before starting to clean. I usually skip over that part.

Marie, by the way, is probably the cutest person I have ever seen! She absolutely sparkles!! I admit, I wish I was a woman more like her! :3
You don’t have to pray to the house. You can pray that God will bless the house and the people who live there.
Yesterday was a pretty good day for that.
20 + C + M + B + 19

But so is every day! ❤️
You don’t have to pray to the house. You can pray that God will bless the house and the people who live there.
Oh, yes I understand. I just meant in terms of watching it. When they are praying to the house I’m just kinda sitting there awkwardly like “Why pray to a house when you can talk to the Lord of all Creation?” ^_~
Does anyone remember which episode that taught how to fold kitchen towels?

I have seen the shirts and pants, which I have done with my clothes.

Agree with the gratitude, I thank God for thr house and the items in how they helped me in life.

As for the spark joy part, it is metaphorical. What she means is that, do you like this them? Do you feel happ when you see or hold it? If you do not like it anymore, then why hold on to it?

Off topic, but of course they had to have a gay couple featured in an episode shrugs
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Does anyone remember which episode that taught how to fold kitchen towels?

I have seen the shirts and pants, which I have done with my clothes.

Agree with the gratitude, I thank God for thr house and the items in how they helped me in life.

Off topic, but of course they had to have a gay couple featured in an episode shrugs
A gay Japanese couple?
Americans, two ‘gay’ men. The last ep. Was a black lesbian couple, but not sure if I am going to watch it shrugs
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Started watching the first few episodes, then I had to stop.To me it seemed the show was pushing some agendas I can’t agree with and that are ungood spiritually. Will stick with Flylady.
Well the folding methods are changing my life, but those can easily be looked up on YouTube.

Who is flylady?
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So all of the episodes take place in the United States? Does she communicate in English or use a translator?
An interpreter, Marie Iida, tags along in every episode. Everything seems to be in California. On a side note, even the messy houses in that show put mine to shame.
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I’ve never been a keeper of stuff, so my house is pretty neat. My daughter thinks I am to austere.
Yeah. I like the premise in general, but the agendas, meh. Hard to watch shows these days.
VI watched an episode of Tidying of a family in New York.

What I got out of the show is that people have to much stuff. The woman purged her belongings and things were so much neater because everything had a place.

It did inspire me to go through my cookbooks and get rid of a pile. ☺️ And over the weekend I took every article of clothing out of my closet and went through them. Got rid of a bunch of things.
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I enjoyed reading her book, but can’t really watch the series. I tried watching the first episode but it was clear that the couple needs to have an earnest talk with each other about more than just tidying up.

Most people own comfortably too much, and then purchase bigger houses and storage units to accomodate things.

Something that really struck me was years ago I heard someone say “You can only drive one car at a time, wear one pair of shoes, and drink one bottle of wine”. You can’t drive two cars simultaneously, nor can you wear two pairs of shoes at the same time—you can drink two bottles of wine but may not feel the best afterwards.

We regularly purge and donate, and we try to keep our household to the minimum—defined by us that we can move AND unpack everything on the same day, and properly put it away. That system has worked many years for us. 😉

Even children don’t need much, many children feel oversaturated and generally only play with 5-10 toys. It makes more sense joining a toy library and rotating toys regularly than investing in them and the space to house them.

Same goes for clothes. It’s literally emotional baggage if you can’t throw away a dress or suit that doesn’t fit you anymore, you’ve never worn or haven’t in 3 years, and maybe had one good memory in—outside of your wedding gear. But even then, when do you actually use your wedding dress? Did you make baptismal gowns out of it? Did you get married in your mother’s dress? No? Why do we hold on to it? I still have mine and it only cost $100. 🤐

It’s super bizarre. Things are there to be functional, used, and/or enjoyed. Hanging up artwork is great, storing 50 paintings that never see the walls of my house is just sad. Storing an old sofa is weird, unless you have a kid that is moving out soon and specifically asked for it.

We hang on to things even when they do not add value to our life, and even if they take away value from it and our relationships.

Aaaah! 😖
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I LOVE that it’s not like “Hoarders”
I think that’s actually a problem for me. The transformational nature of “Hoarders” usually inspires me to clean up. I agree with @Fuerza that the “before” houses in “Tidying Up” are pretty clean and nowhere near the level reached in my house.

I’m totally on board with owning less stuff. I’m not into thanking inanimate objects but I’m good with less focus on consumption.
The transformational nature of “Hoarders” usually inspires me to clean up
Yeah it has that effect on me. Also forces me to confont if I have some irrational thoughts causing me to hold onto things. I think it helps with sympathy toward any actual hoarders in your life.

Other effects:
My 3 year old starts telling jokes about dead rats in the potty.
My 5 year old adds little old ladies who have so much stuff they can’t use thier potties to our prayer intentions.
I would hate to get rid of a book that might one day turn out to be useful.
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