Neuroscientist seeks immortality

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Computers don’t think, they run programs designed by the human brain. If you “uploaded” yourself into the digital realm you would no longer have free will thus you would be in hell.
On the contrary, artificial intelligence development is quite far along. Already, primitive association and inference programs exist to define objects and determine their purpose. Already, programs exist to design and build things. A “do it the hard way” computer version of the human brain is being built by the US and China. Once the reverse-engineering is done, computers that can extrapolate and develop abstract concepts and turn them into useful devices or other things will be here. It’s 5 years away, tops. Then computers will link up various fields of human knowledge and instantly teach other computer brains. The goal will be humanoid combat robots.

For unattached human brains, emotion emulation programs built around each specific individual will exist. The folly of all this is man’s desire to worship knowledge and forget about God. But by then, life will be harsh and brutal for those who have not moved to this ‘next level.’

On the contrary, artificial intelligence development is quite far along. Already, primitive association and inference programs exist to define objects and determine their purpose. Already, programs exist to design and build things. A “do it the hard way” computer version of the human brain is being built by the US and China. Once the reverse-engineering is done, computers that can extrapolate and develop abstract concepts and turn them into useful devices or other things will be here. It’s 5 years away, tops. Then computers will link up various fields of human knowledge and instantly teach other computer brains. The goal will be humanoid combat robots.

For unattached human brains, emotion emulation programs built around each specific individual will exist. The folly of all this is man’s desire to worship knowledge and forget about God. But by then, life will be harsh and brutal for those who have not moved to this ‘next level.’

And your hell would be eternal if your programmer died or your computer crashed. 😉
If it’s running on a single computer then computer crashing would bring it to an end. Not so much the programmer experiencing death.

When I was a Computer Science student writing proofs I remember specifically being taught that code loops that had no defined terminating condition were not actually infinite. To be so they would need to run on a computer that would never wear down or suffer damage, never have component failure, and never have power failure. In modern times there are some very reliable computing configurations (ex: Azure Cloud Services, which have the data replicated among several drives in different geographies and processing that is geographically distributed). But while more reliable they are not immune to failure.
It’s 5 years away, tops. Then computers will link up various fields of human knowledge and instantly teach other computer brains. The goal will be humanoid combat robots.
I’m a bit skeptical of computer related claims about how close that a certain capability is to being implemented. Even the most honest and best intentioned among us can find that a task that is expected to take a day of effort may actually require several weeks. My view on these types of matters is a bit more bivalent. We have the capability or we don’t. Coming close to having the capability is still not having the capability.
Looking at some abstract paintings will easily show an escape has been tried before, and it doesn’t look like it worked out so good, Yuh gotta be careful these days.
On the contrary, artificial intelligence development is quite far along. Already, primitive association and inference programs exist to define objects and determine their purpose. Already, programs exist to design and build things. A “do it the hard way” computer version of the human brain is being built by the US and China. Once the reverse-engineering is done, computers that can extrapolate and develop abstract concepts and turn them into useful devices or other things will be here. It’s 5 years away, tops. Then computers will link up various fields of human knowledge and instantly teach other computer brains. The goal will be humanoid combat robots.

For unattached human brains, emotion emulation programs built around each specific individual will exist. The folly of all this is man’s desire to worship knowledge and forget about God. But by then, life will be harsh and brutal for those who have not moved to this ‘next level.’

I have no doubt computers will continue to improve to the point that they can “think” but its still going to need to be designed and programmed to do so. When I see two computers link up and give birth to a baby computer that learns everything it know from its surroundings without a human ever touching it – then I’ll believe it can actually think on its own.:cool:
From my opinion which is very basic understandings, they would need to show at least an ability to upload an actual person, into another real live new brain or other which is ridiculous as something feasible. Going to wires and not tissue would seem nuts, a monkey see monkey do. But , most important as we can easily see, is to keep a good eye on these mad out of control frankenstein style scientist guys… madness is what it is.
If it were possible, this version of immortality would still be attached to the finite material universe. Even worse, it would still be limited by certain aspects of our human condition, by which I mean the limits of human imagination and technology. In other words, it would be nothing like eternal life.
Yes. When heaven rolls up like a scroll and all the stars fall, where you gonna be?

Looks like we’re trying to create our own heaven, from scratch. Maybe as before with the serpent as mentor, but that didn’t go so well the first time.
I have no doubt computers will continue to improve to the point that they can “think” but its still going to need to be designed and programmed to do so. When I see two computers link up and give birth to a baby computer that learns everything it know from its surroundings without a human ever touching it – then I’ll believe it can actually think on its own.:cool:
This will be possible within the next 100 years, NO doubts.

I think the next step is merging the mechanical with the biological, I would bet experiments have probably already been done in this area, this will open up a WHOLE other pandoras box.
There will be the Second Coming and the Last Judgement regardless.
I’m a bit skeptical of computer related claims about how close that a certain capability is to being implemented. Even the most honest and best intentioned among us can find that a task that is expected to take a day of effort may actually require several weeks. My view on these types of matters is a bit more bivalent. We have the capability or we don’t. Coming close to having the capability is still not having the capability.
That’s not the point. Computer based cognitive learning systems exist, right now. I won’t spell out the whole thing since the primary user will be the military. By the way, it’s available in the open literature.

That’s not the point. Computer based cognitive learning systems exist, right now. I won’t spell out the whole thing since the primary user will be the military. By the way, it’s available in the open literature.

I admit I don’t fair well when I play my games on the xbox on the difficult setting. The a.i. can be tough. 😊
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