On the contrary, artificial intelligence development is quite far along. Already, primitive association and inference programs exist to define objects and determine their purpose. Already, programs exist to design and build things. A “do it the hard way” computer version of the human brain is being built by the US and China. Once the reverse-engineering is done, computers that can extrapolate and develop abstract concepts and turn them into useful devices or other things will be here. It’s 5 years away, tops. Then computers will link up various fields of human knowledge and instantly teach other computer brains. The goal will be humanoid combat robots.Computers don’t think, they run programs designed by the human brain. If you “uploaded” yourself into the digital realm you would no longer have free will thus you would be in hell.
For unattached human brains, emotion emulation programs built around each specific individual will exist. The folly of all this is man’s desire to worship knowledge and forget about God. But by then, life will be harsh and brutal for those who have not moved to this ‘next level.’