New Age Ursuline Nuns

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Guest šŸ˜¦

Take a look at all the wacky spiritual activities these poor confused Sisters have gotten themselves into. Someone needs to set them straight with a dose of true Catholic spirituality, or I have no idea what will happen to their soulsā€¦:crying:

I just know Satan is laughing at them right now.:mad:
these are the same Ursulines who educated my children, and did a great job, but the smoke of satan has entered Ursuline college and their order, based in an eastern Cleveland suburb. they have been spewing this garbage for at least 15 years, sponsored at least 1 Lilith Fair event. They are as far over the wall as any so-called religious order I know. Some of the faithful sisters I knew actually left the order because they could not tolerate the heresy and dissent. These were older women who gave up retirement, security, and their entire way of life, the appalling offense against charity of the order against its members is as bad as any of their other misdeeds.
Are these Catholic nuns?
The Ursuline order is or was Catholic. Though this particular community of Ursulines obviously are not, but they probably were at one time in the distant past. It is very sad.šŸ˜¦

Here is more info on the origin and history of the Ursulines:
That has to be one of the saddest things I have ever seen. These people need our prayers!
Most traditional peoples consider these sacred and hopeful times of the year by. They are celebrated by meditation, chant, and drumming. Many spiritual paths mark these spiritual times as moments that foster new life, creativity, healing, beauty, and letting go of whatā€™s no longer needed and embracing true values. All persons of good will are welcome!
Presenters: Jan Hauenstein, energy healer; Neal Szpatura, shaman; Marilyn del Torto, energy healer; Judi Bar, intuitive healer; Sarah Weiss, medical intuitive. :
Date/Time: SPRING EQUINOX ON March 21, 2005 and SOLSTICE ON June 21, 2005
Oh my :eek: ā€¦

Is it just me, or does that strike some of you as pagan-like.

I do have some questions/comments though:
  1. I was unaware that the Equinox/Solstiace was on the church calanderā€¦isnā€™t there some Saint they could (read should) be having a feast for instead?
  2. I was also unaware that many traditional peoples celebrate the solstiace by ā€œdrummingā€.
3.What are energy healers, intuitive healers, and medical intuitivesā€¦what are they doing at a ā€œCatholicā€ retreat?
these are the same Ursulines who educated my children, and did a great job, but the smoke of satan has entered Ursuline college and their order, based in an eastern Cleveland suburb. they have been spewing this garbage for at least 15 years, sponsored at least 1 Lilith Fair event. They are as far over the wall as any so-called religious order I know. Some of the faithful sisters I knew actually left the order because they could not tolerate the heresy and dissent. These were older women who gave up retirement, security, and their entire way of life, the appalling offense against charity of the order against its members is as bad as any of their other misdeeds.
Where did they go? Can they be reached? Is there a fund to which contributions could be made for their support?
Oh my :eek: ā€¦

Is it just me, or does that strike some of you as pagan-like.

I do have some questions/comments though:
  1. I was unaware that the Equinox/Solstiace was on the church calanderā€¦isnā€™t there some Saint they could (read should) be having a feast for instead?
  2. I was also unaware that many traditional peoples celebrate the solstiace by ā€œdrummingā€.
3.What are energy healers, intuitive healers, and medical intuitivesā€¦what are they doing at a ā€œCatholicā€ retreat?/
  1. I believe in Spain and other countries Saint Johnā€™s day is celebrated at this time. They celebrate his feast day. These nuns are however reverting to pre-Christian and anti-Christian praxis.
  2. I believe druids drum their bongos. They might be ā€˜traditionalā€™ in the sense of practising pre-Christian rites but which traditions are they heedingā€¦? They are liable to contact demons by drumming up these spirits.
  3. What they are doing at a Catholic retreat? Contact the Bishop and find out.
John of Woking:
  1. I believe druids drum their bongos. They might be ā€˜traditionalā€™ in the sense of practising pre-Christian rites but which traditions are they heedingā€¦? They are liable to contact demons by drumming up these spirits.
Not really, the stuff that todays ā€œdruidsā€ and ā€œwitchesā€ do today has nothing to do with what the pre-Christian groups did. They are nothing but New Age mumbo-jumbo.
  1. What they are doing at a Catholic retreat? Contact the Bishop and find out.
You could try contacting the local Bishop but most likely he will not be able to do much as the nuns are most likely outside of his jurisdiction.
Bishop Pilla knows all about it but there is not a lot he can do, one step he can take, which he has not yet, is to formally declare that Ursuline college is no longer a Catholic institution and may not advertise or be listed in a Catholic educational directory as such. He has dealt with certain individuals, but in canon law there is not a lot the bishop can do when a religious order goes bonkers. The Ursulines, like other orders that have undergone upheavel due to what has uncharitably been called hormonal crises, such as the Mercys, IHM etc, have to deal with the outcome through canon law procedures, which a lot of them disregard anyhow. The damage done to women who joined in good faith is incalculable. The Mercys a few years back convened a general chapter on the topic of reconciliation and apology for past abuses, but they have a long way to go. Among other things, the actions of orders responsible for historically Catholic womenā€™s colleges have had the effect of nearly destroying the independent womenā€™s Catholic college with high academic and religious standards and removing that option for thousands of women.
I just emailed them asking if they were actually catholic, and suggested classes that were in line with Rome

I also offered my prayers
Wow! How tragic it is to see how they have betrayed their order and the Church. Bl. Marie de lā€™Incarnation, who brought the order to N. America as a missionary starting in QuĆ©bec, AND at great sacrifice might I addā€¦ would turn over in her grave.

I would disagree with the member below who says that Bishop Pilla can do very little about these New Age Ursulinesā€¦ since there is actually very little he CANā€™T do. Despite it concerning a religious order, if they are operating in his diocese - then they have to obey him, if they donā€™t then he has to discipline them. The Ursulines are not a personal prelature (nor can they be) - so they must answer to the local bishop of the diocese where they operate.

Look what Archbishop Flynn did in Minneapolis when he expelled the Legionaries of Christ, for much MUCH lesser offenses than the Ursulines under Bishop Pilla. Bishop Foley of Birmingham, Alabama attempted to forbid the celebration of Mass ā€œad orientem,ā€ in his diocese, specifically targetting the televised conventual Mass on EWTN of Mother Angelicaā€™s monastery.

Let me just use the eloquent example of our late Cardinal James Hickey. Just a couple of years ago, a religious sister and a priest in the Archdiocese of Washington were removed from public ministry by then-Cardinal Ratzingerā€™s Congregation, after years of feuding with Cardinal Hickey, because they would not recant their heterodox teachings concerning homosexuality and homosexual acts.

Similarly in the mid 90ā€™sā€¦ Cardinal Hickey excommunicated Fr. George Stallings, who had very odd and racist attitudes concerning towards depictions or images of Our Lord that were NOT African (black) and secondly, for attempting to establish a splinter ā€œAfrican-American Catholic Church.ā€ Cardinal Hickey was also successful in bringing the notoriously liberal Jesuit community in Georgetown, Holy Trinity, back into orthodox doctrinal and liturgical conformityā€¦ AND letā€™s not forget about Cardinal Hickeyā€™s confrontation with Georgetown University, when he forced them to comply with his directives when they refused to put crucifixes into their classrooms. The Cardinal was actually a very humble shy man- anybody who was ever blessed to have been in his presence, as I was, will tell you the same thing. In the 2000 presidential elections - he used his columns to remind his flock that abortion was a pre-eminent issue above all others, and basically said that Catholics should not vote for pro-choice politicians. Other examples or Cardinal Hickeyā€™s charity for those members of his flock who had gone astray abound - perhaps we could all learn from his example of charity.

I would argue that for Bishop Pilla and many other cardinals, archbishops, and bishops - itā€™s not a question of ā€œcan he,ā€ itā€™s a question of ā€œwill heā€.
The Akron Dominicans do a lot of the same New Age stuff, particulary at Crown Point Eco-Learning Center.
ā€œby their fruits ye shall know themā€¦ā€

It is no coincidence that the traditional habited orders are growing while these trendy orders are dying.
I too was shocked and e mailed my concern and prayers that they be released from the desturctive web they are caught in. I said how sad for their Order and all connected to them. I would not want my children in contact with this sort, or any sort of anti-Catholic practice.
Where did they go? Can they be reached? Is there a fund to which contributions could be made for their support?
I would hope and pray that other orders took them in, however, I would dearly love to know myself what happened to these orthodox women. If anyone finds out, can you pass it along?
of the ones I know of personally, 3 left the order and are living as lay women, none have married, all are teaching. Two went to a more orthodox convent of the same order in another diocese, two have hung on and are now retirement age, living in an assisted living facility serving as chaplains and ministering to other retirees.
This really concerned me:

Gifts From A Course in Miracles

The spirituality of a Course in Miracles is universal in nature, answering the deepest questions of human existence. In this introductory overview of the main ideas, we hope to experience its wisdom and love by reflecting on excerpts from the book, Gifts from a Course in Miracles. Each presentation is followed by a meditation and discussion.
Presenter: Mariella Marck, SFCC, MS Rel Ed, MA psych:
Cost: $35, plus book
Date/Time: Wed., April 13, 20, 27, 2005 (10:30 am - 12 noon)

This is the so-called course that my aunt studied when my uncle died, and contributed shaply to her fuzzy thinking on God in general and doctrines in particular.

What is worse, the presenter has not only an MA in psychology, but an MS in Religious Ed.
In answer to the question regarding what are energy healersā€¦? These are people who are under the impression that they have the power to heal others. these people are under the mystical influence of Eastern Philosophy. According to Eastern thinking, a person can heal based on clear thoughts and by contacting the gods within yourself who then contact the gods within the person needing help. It is all very mystical and private so that no one can get a clear picture of what is going on without really becoming immersed in it. God has no real place in this picture.

ā€œFor the sake of His sorrowful passion, Have mercy on us and on the whole worldā€

Faithful mom
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