New Age Ursuline Nuns

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Somebody got me a copy of the Course in Miracles. I picked it up to flip through it,& I swear I could feel the :mad: evil in it. It is very very dangerous stuff.
The woman who wrote it is an atheist. She said she :whacky: “heard a voice” telling her to write it.
I can’t imagine anything less likely to be found among a group of nuns. This is a terrible tragedy.
Somebody got me a copy of the Course in Miracles. I picked it up to flip through it,& I swear I could feel the :mad: evil in it. It is very very dangerous stuff.
The woman who wrote it is an atheist. She said she :whacky: “heard a voice” telling her to write it.
I can’t imagine anything less likely to be found among a group of nuns. This is a terrible tragedy.
:gopray2: I have sent my prayers that they by the grace of God will stop their pagan practice. I have also prayed that if they don’t stop, they will get a warning from the Church, so that other catholics may learn that this is not a proper way to try to connect with God! :gopray:

I just emailed them asking if they were actually catholic, and suggested classes that were in line with Rome

I also offered my prayers
Have you heard back from them?
Very very sad.

I have recently begun discerning a possible call to religious life and as such I have done a very thorough search in my own local dioceses.

There is an order called “The St. Jospeh Sisters of Carandolet” or something like that and not only do they not wear the habit, they are avid feminists, into “eco-spiritualism” and tout one of the “sisters” as having been a revered “homilist” at the antithetical and diabolically influenced St. Joan of Arc Parish in South Minneapolis.

These “sisters” run retreats, advertise spiritual direction, and operate out of St. Catherine’s Catholic College (women’s college)…and they are listed in “Unholy Rage” a book about feminism in the Chuirch.

It terrifies me that they have “postulants” and “novices”. :eek:

We really need to pray for these orders…they are leading women straight to hell, and anyone who falls for their false and prideful doctrines is headed over the precipice with them.

I was so angry reading that I had to close the window for fear I would actually lose my temper completely.

Here in MN we have mostly very dissenting or “progressive” orders, and it’s very disheartening.

I met with the Vocations Director the other day and he told me aobut a woman in Red Wing who was or will be “ordained” a deacon. I was so relieved in talking to him that he recognized the need to leave teh state and travel distances to find a GOOD order to visit. There are a few here, but none of them attract me although they would be good to visit and learn from.

But I digress…sorry.

I don’t know what happened to these orders to lead them so astray. Pray, people…PRAY!
Four years ago, when I was in R.C.I.A., I was invited to a retreat by the sisters of St. Agnes. In my newbie-ness, I assumed that all things proclaiming Catholicity was indeed “of the Church”.
What a suprise I got! Along with centering prayer and journaling, we were instructed in spiritual connectiveness and coloring of our woman-ness. :whacky: It was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve ever had. Not one word for 4 entire days about God or Christ or even The Holy Mother.
Thank goodness I was able to see it all as the new-age c**p it was and did not let it deter me from my interest in The Catholic Church.

I’m so happy to hear that you weren’t confused by your experience so early in your experiences with the Church. Satan really does try to wreck havoc on the lives of those who are trying to know Christ’s Church. It’s wonderful to see that he has been unsuccessful with you.

I makes me sad / mad to learn of these “orders” that are so lost. I know of a retreat house run by priests of a religious order that also hold new age emphasis retreats. Unfortunately, my mothers cousin is a priest there and he’s the Retreat Master. :eek: I would like to ask everyone here for their prayers for Father Barry.


I hope your vocation search leads you to the right order. I know that through a bit of Eucharistic Adoration and the research I know your capable of doing, you’ll end up where God will you to be.

God Bless,

CARose said:

I’m so happy to hear that you weren’t confused by your experience so early in your experiences with the Church. Satan really does try to wreck havoc on the lives of those who are trying to know Christ’s Church. It’s wonderful to see that he has been unsuccessful with you.

I makes me sad / mad to learn of these “orders” that are so lost. I know of a retreat house run by priests of a religious order that also hold new age emphasis retreats. Unfortunately, my mothers cousin is a priest there and he’s the Retreat Master. :eek: I would like to ask everyone here for their prayers for Father Barry.


I hope your vocation search leads you to the right order. I know that through a bit of Eucharistic Adoration and the research I know your capable of doing, you’ll end up where God will you to be.

God Bless,


You most certainly have my prayers for Father Barry. And it also saddens/angers me that these clearly heterodox “orders” still operate under the full permission of their local bishop, its just criminal. I believe this demonstrates that others in the Church need our prayers as much as these “orders”.:gopray2:

If I were a bishop, say an Anthony Pilla in Cleveland, I would issue an ultimatum to them along the lines of “You will for this moment forward only teach spiritual methods and practices that are compatible with the deposit of faith of the Catholic Church, I am not forcing you to wear the habit, but as your shepherd I decree that all the the new-age mumbo jumbo your order has since espoused must cease, lest I will be forced to declare your community no longer part of the Catholic Church and thus not in communion with the Holy See or this diocese”.

That is what I feel should happen, and it doesn’t matter who on this earth short of the Pope tells me I am wrong. Heresy is heresy, it doesn’t matter how you mix it shake it or stir it, whatever isn’t compatible with official Catholic teaching simply is NOT Catholic. And its plain for all of us to see that these Usulines(post #1), St. Joseph of Carandolet’s(post #24), Akron Dominicans(post #14) and Sisters of St. Agnes(post #25) do not fit within the parameters of being Catholic. Enough is enough, its time these types shape up or ship out.
Oh my :eek:

Is it just me, or does that strike some of you as pagan-like.


It’s very sad and troubling. Unfortunately these kind of pagan practices are not few and far between. Even a Catholic church near my home celebrates the autumn equinox and they have a labyrinth. Who knows what else they do… their parish is made of glass walls and is in a wooded setting. Sounds awfully pagan. I emailed the priest, asking him to explain how celebrating the autumnal equinox & walking a labyrinth are approved by the pope & the Church. He wrote back, but did not give any examples of Church approval. He simply told me his parish would probably be “too progressive” for me, and recommended a more traditional parish to attend.

This is one big reason why protestants are turned off from the Catholic church… all of this pagan stuff has produced a big stink.
Many old cathedrals had labyrinths in or on their grounds. They are a meditative tool with a long history both within and out of the church.

Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater, pagans use candles, altars,statues and prayers as well, but that doesn’t mean a Catholic needs to avoid them for fear of association.

I am curious as to what they were celbrating on the Equinox. Some Catholic holidays fall on the same date as “pagan” holidays. When is Michalmas?

I too have been told by a VERY Orthodox friend that she was confused by the “silliness” of the labyrinth until she actually prayed it. What she took home from it is that sometimes in your prayer you feel as though you’re miles away from the center (as in Dark Night of the Soul) and the next thing you know, just a few steps later, you’re at the center. It helped her to get a better handle on the fact that in our spiritual journey, we don’t always know how close or far we are from the Creator.

Just a thought.


And, Thanks Cath 29, your prayers are appreciated. He’s a great person, unfortunately he’s strayed a bit from the teachings of the Magesterium.
Have you heard back from them?
Unfortunately I’ve not heard a peep out of them… I’ve been checking my mail “religiously” (pun intended 😉 )

I’m wondering if others who have emailed them have gotten any reply?
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