I have been doing a little research from the time I posted to now. I believe there are 3 type of Catholics.
- Me Catholic (Just trying to be faithful to the Church in particular: Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium) – Like Father John Carappi teaches…
Liberal Catholics
We all have seen them running around our parishes. These are the people that want to see women priests, pro-choice, homosexual marriage, adding and taking out of the liturgy… could be as small as taking out the word “men” in the Nicene Creed. (
For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven…)
They look back at vatican ii and abuse the language that it uses.
For example… How one obtains salvation.
The only way is through Jesus Christ, unless has never heard the gospel (good news) message and at that point we do not know for sure if that person is saved or not. (Keep in mind, I’m not getting into Faith Alone or Faith + Works…)
Liberal Catholics jump on this and say hooray, judge not lest ye be judged!!! Anybody can get to heaven…
The Traditionalist, points to this and says… see Vatican II did not use proper language, thus the liberal idealogies that are running rampant in the church… Vatican II caused this…
I say… both are taking the language of Vatican II out of context… The language is what it is, and can be verified by tradition, in particular the Counsel of Trent. You have to read the entire thing in it’s proper context!
Would convey me as a neo-conservative, and not really understanding what has been going on in the last 40 years. They believe that the Church has not been guided by the Holy Spirit, because of what has been going on inside the church. In so far as suggesting JPII while a good person, was not a good pope.
I think we should all be carefull about this… There are many Saints in the past who have been faithful to the Church, meanwhile always holding fast to Apostolic Tradition.
There is a fine line between dogma and discipline.
I feel as if I’m stuck in the middle! I am faithful to ALL 3 (Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium.
There are checks and balances between them and we should all be aware of the invisible divisions that are in the church, we need to humble ourselves and try to understand the situation.
That is what I’m trying to do. There are things that Liberal Catholics do, that I cannot promote, and there are things that tradional Catholics do… that I cannot promote. I’m as fair as I can possibly be, but I would reccomend everybody to read the NAB, the Navarre, the Douey Rhems (Spelling). If you want to understand the message of our Lord.