This version should be called the NMWT (New Mirror Worshippers Translation) - the ego of these people, makes Luther’s inserting of “alone” in Romans 3:28 look humble.
It is an example of what happens when a church separates itself from apostolic teaching authority for 450 or so years. The liturgical reforms of Edward VI and Archbishop Cramner destroyed all sacramental intent in its ordinations, breaking all connections to apostolic authority. The Church of England has not had the benefit and protection of the Holy Spirit in its meandering teachings since then.After reading the article on which this thread is based, my basic reaction is one of ‘You have got to be kidding.’ How can a leader of one of the largest denominations in the world call this 'translation(if that is in fact what it is, and not a book of wishful thinking) “Powerful”? How is it powerful? All it seems to do is make Christianity easier and more 'user friendly". It reminds me of a quote from Revelations; “I would wish that you were either hot or cold, but since you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth” Those are "powerful words, I wonder how this translation changes them. On second thought, I don’t want to know. (emphasis added)
I’ve re-read the posts. Which do you feel are “hateful”? To comment critically on an issue that you do not agree with is not hateful. I think that perhaps some of the current errors in theology are based upon the notion that to comment or to disagree is to be hateful. This is a common tactic of those (usually liberal) who cannot intellectually defend some position. To call someone hateful or bigotted or whatever is ment to call a halt to any further discussion and skirt the issue or topic at hand.I know this is un-Christian but these forums just seem to be an arena for taking shots at everyone (including fellow Catholics) that I could not resist:
Thank goodness we Anglicans don’t believe the Archbishop of Canterbury is infallible or else we’d have a serious problem.
I’m afraid there are more than 100 Catholics that hate other Christians on this board - Bishop Sheen must be spinning like a top.
It is an example of what happens when a church separates itself from apostolic teaching authority for 450 or so years. The liturgical reforms of Edward VI and Archbishop Cramner destroyed all sacramental intent in its ordinations, breaking all connections to apostolic authority. The Church of England has not had the benefit and protection of the Holy Spirit in its meandering teachings since then.
Is it any wonder the Episcopal Church, internationally, is riddled with error? Interestingly, its membership is in decline anyway. This lame attempt to make religion indifferent to behavior and conviction will accelerate its decline, not reverse it.
I am glad that people are using this horrible translation and using it to make generalizations and pot shots at Protestantism.This version should be called the NMWT (New Mirror Worshippers Translation) - the ego of these people, makes Luther’s inserting of “alone” in Romans 3:28 look humble.
I think Shibboleth was being facetious.I don’t understand, why are you glad?
A few years ago, the Anglican Roman Catholic Interfaith Commission (ARCIC) produced a document entitled “The Gift of Authority.” It is a gift that the Church of England, at its last general synod, has decided not to accept. Here in Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada is also absolutely snake-bitten when it comes to exercising any kind of authority, except those items that pertain to the operation of a corporate structure (who controls the property and money, etc.).It is an example of what happens when a church separates itself from apostolic teaching authority for 450 or so years.
Are you for real? Please give evidence for that defamatory statement. It is one thing to be upset with posts, but to dishonor the rest of us posters here in this manner is unfair to say the least.PS:
I’m afraid there are more than 100 Catholics that hate other Christians on this board - Bishop Sheen must be spinning like a top.
GerryA few years ago, the Anglican Roman Catholic Interfaith Commission (ARCIC) produced a document entitled “The Gift of Authority.” It is a gift that the Church of England, at its last general synod, has decided not to accept. Here in Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada is also absolutely snake-bitten when it comes to exercising any kind of authority, except those items that pertain to the operation of a corporate structure (who controls the property and money, etc.).
The acceptance of this “translation” is in keeping with the sad trend in Anglicanism to deny and reject the whole concept of authority, as Catholics understand it in the Church. It’s very much a part of their culture. When I worshipped with them, I held the position of Warden in a parish. Their canons gave me certain authority to go along with the responsibilities. However, the expectation clearly was that I would fulfil the responsibilities while NEVER having recourse to the authority. (For the record, I did disappoint them.)
There are still Christian Anglicans in the Western world, like the group Cardinal Ratzinger sent greetings to in Plano, Texas. But they are trapped in an ecclesiastical structure that can neither appreciate, nor support and apply, authority when it is necessary. It is, sadly, fully consistent with the current state of Anglicanism that its “leader” (he has no authority, really) would make such a statement. And it shows what can happen when togetherness becomes more important than obedience to revealed truth.
Gerry Hunter
Why on earth would you go backwards. The truth is God never gave the gift of infallibility to the Archbishop of Canterbury. So there is no real problem there - He just doesn’t have it. That is why I became a Catholic besides it being the church that Christ started.I know this is un-Christian but these forums just seem to be an arena for taking shots at everyone (including fellow Catholics) that I could not resist:
Thank goodness we Anglicans don’t believe the Archbishop of Canterbury is infallible or else we’d have a serious problem.
I’m afraid there are more than 100 Catholics that hate other Christians on this board - Bishop Sheen must be spinning like a top.