New Death Threats Against Italian Bishops' Leader

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Ah, you looked up ‘genocide’ then! 🙂
Here’s some facts about Genocide.
  • Personhood is always used to exclude the victim class
  • Genocide is often framed in the word ‘choice’.
  • Victim class is seen as disease to society or as a disease themselves
  • Resources are inadequate to care for the victims if they are allowed to live
  • the Victim class tends to have what we want or get in our way.
/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[jen-uh-sahyd] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

[Origin: 1940–45; < Gk géno(s) race + -cide]

Here’s some facts about Genocide.
  • Personhood is always used to exclude the victim class
  • Genocide is often framed in the word ‘choice’.
  • Victim class is seen as disease to society or as a disease themselves
  • Resources are inadequate to care for the victims if they are allowed to live
  • the Victim class tends to have what we want or get in our way.
Hitler and the like fit in perfectly in this definition.
Hitler and the like fit in perfectly in this definition.

“It is well know that in 1935, the Nuremberg Laws codified the exclusion of Jews from German society. The next year, the Reichsgericht (Germany’s highest court) essentially legalized the Holocaust. Cartoons routinely depicted Jews as pigs, dogs, rats, and other vermin.”

“The Nazis asserted that the racial make-up of the German nation was an internal matter for the German people to decide. They also emphasized Hitler’s choice, his “Will to Power,” as a Nazi propaganda film put it.”

“Eastern Europeans owned land that the Nazis wanted for lebensraum (“living space”) for the German people. Jews owned material wealth that Nazis wanted for themselves.”

“‘Parasites’ and ‘bacilli’ were words used by Nazis to describe Jews and others targeted for extermination.”

“The Nazis justified killing ‘useless eaters’ based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.”
Pro-death folks regard a child inside the womb as ‘choice’

Pro-death folks justify abortion because it’s ‘healthy for women.’

Pro-death advocates tell us that if you don’t like abortions then you shouldn’t have them.

Children inside the womb are referred to in degrading terms like
“fetus”, “embryo” and “products of conception”.

Pro-death advocates say that there’s not enough food and water to supply the unborn children.

“It is well know that in 1935, the Nuremberg Laws codified the exclusion of Jews from German society. The next year, the Reichsgericht (Germany’s highest court) essentially legalized the Holocaust. Cartoons routinely depicted Jews as pigs, dogs, rats, and other vermin.”

“The Nazis asserted that the racial make-up of the German nation was an internal matter for the German people to decide. They also emphasized Hitler’s choice, his “Will to Power,” as a Nazi propaganda film put it.”

“Eastern Europeans owned land that the Nazis wanted for lebensraum (“living space”) for the German people. Jews owned material wealth that Nazis wanted for themselves.”

“‘Parasites’ and ‘bacilli’ were words used by Nazis to describe Jews and others targeted for extermination.”

“The Nazis justified killing ‘useless eaters’ based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.”
Pro-death folks regard a child inside the womb as ‘choice’

Pro-death folks justify abortion because it’s ‘healthy for women.’

Pro-death advocates tell us that if you don’t like abortions then you shouldn’t have them.

Children inside the womb are referred to in degrading terms like
“fetus”, “embryo” and “products of conception”.

Pro-death advocates say that there’s not enough food and water to supply the unborn children.
When you put these two side by side, there’s not that much difference in principal at all.

Sorry if we’re getting off topic 😃
When you put these two side by side, there’s not that much difference in principal at all.

Sorry if we’re getting off topic 😃
I know. And whenever I say the abortion is the hidden holocaust I’m accused of antisemitism.
I know. And whenever I say the abortion is the hidden holocaust I’m accused of antisemitism.
What?!? Why? What does antisemitism have to do with describing abortion as a hidden holocaust?? Why would defending the unborn by describing abortion as a hidden holocaust be some sort of insult towards judeism???

This is just plain absurd!
Here’s some facts about Genocide.
  • Personhood is always used to exclude the victim class
  • Genocide is often framed in the word ‘choice’.
  • Victim class is seen as disease to society or as a disease themselves
  • Resources are inadequate to care for the victims if they are allowed to live
  • the Victim class tends to have what we want or get in our way.
And this has what, precisely, to do with the Vendee? Or bishops and bullets?

Anyway, I see you’ve moved onto another topic altogether so I’ll leave you to it.
And this has what, precisely, to do with the Vendee? Or bishops and bullets?

Anyway, I see you’ve moved onto another topic altogether so I’ll leave you to it.
Go ahead and start another thread, and I’m sure other people will reply 🙂
I see you’re still having trouble with the meaning of ‘genocide’ - hint: it implies the killing of a national or racial group on the grounds of their national or racial identity. The victims of the Vendee massacres were French people being killed by French people during the course of and subsequent to an uprising against the state.

So, how were the Vendee massacres ‘genocide’?
Let us look at the difinition?

Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people as defined by Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group,
as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

The Vendée is a region of France lying in the west of that country, bordering the great Loire river in the north and the coast of France on the west. It is a region whose name will be forever linked with loyalty to the Catholic Church. During the French Revolution it remained entirely loyal to the Church and to the Catholic monarchy of France, as did Brittany, the region to the north of the Loire river. The Vendeans could be distinguished throughout the civil war by the Rosaries they always wore around their necks, the Scapulars on their breasts and the symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus sewn onto their lapels or their broad hats. They went to war as they did to the fields - in bare feet or in clogs
Not really, the logic isn’t the same but nevermind.

Hey, sorry for interrupting a “gays eat babies and boil kittens” thread, I know some of you need an adequate ration every day.
Gays don’t eat babys. Some gays will threaten to kill anyone who doesn’t cowtow to their agenda, though.
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