new guy

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Why is it that Catholics say on one hand, “The church loves you and here are ways you can show your love:” and on the same page it says things like, “What is right and wrong with Islam: A Catholic view”? Do you not feel it in your stomach? The feeling that one of these is so unconditional and open minded and appealing to something joyous in everyone, and the other is so finite, so unilateral, so callous. I actually picture some faceless bishop scowling while he finishes saying, “A Catholic view”. How can something designed for acceptance and love be so intimidating, so domineering, and so controlling? I want to be a devout Christian, I really do, but I see so much animosity. I have enough conscience issues in my life to inherit the accumulated problems of Christianity. Am I missing something? I need help and fast! I need to learn and require a very knowledgable source… that doesn’t mind if I misspell a bunch of stuff!

Why does god care about paying taxes or human laws for that matter?
What is more important: making goodly decisions or having the best material to make good decisions with?
Why does god endorse servatude by saying that it is not an assesment of your worth but merly your place on a hierarchy?

Who ever responds, please put “Not Spam” in the subject line and send it to my personal account at

I must warn you: I rant (broke the intemperance virtue on that one), argue, and complain, but I am respectful and I do listen. I think my biggest problem is impact. I just don’t feel any. Ok, that’s it; I threw out the line. That’s my part-
Welcome pubdaddy!
The feeling that one of these is so unconditional and open minded and appealing to something joyous in everyone, and the other is so finite, so unilateral, so callous. . . How can something designed for acceptance and love be so intimidating, so domineering, and so controlling?
For me, the distinction arises out of the difference between truth and falsehood. That which is false should be shunned. That which is true should be followed. I believe Jesus taught as much. As such, knowing the difference between truth and falsehood is very important. As charitable Christians, we are to invite all into the light of truth. But that does not imply that we should accept (or even ignore) falsehood for charity’s sake. Doesn’t following The Way, The Truth, and The Light at least imply that we must leave non-truth behind? Is it really charitable to leave others in falsehood (or even ignorance)?
I need help and fast! I need to learn and require a very knowledgable source
You might try posting your critical questions over in the Ask an Apologist forum. You’ll get much more authoritative answers there. Here in the General forum, you’ll have to put up with non-authoritative posters like me! 😉

May God bless your journey.
It is so good to see someone that wants to learn and is not afarid to ask questions. Rather than give a a full reply to some of your questions I would instead ask that you get a copy of the Catechism. It will be very hard for you to understand the Church if you do not take the time to see what she really has to say for herself.

She does love you and seeks to keep you from harm, that is one reason why she must point it out to us all.

God Bless and Be Safe
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a great resourse for anyone curious about the Catholic Faith! 👍
Why is it that Catholics say on one hand, “The church loves you and here are ways you can show your love:” and on the same page it says things like, “What is right and wrong with Islam: A Catholic view”? Do you not feel it in your stomach?
Islam theology is wrong. The adherents need to be evangelize.

Do not equate the theology and the people following the theology.

Why can’t we say that Isalm is rwong will loving moslem?

Are you saying that Islam is right? Not very Christian of you.
Islam theology is wrong. The adherents need to be evangelize.

Do not equate the theology and the people following the theology.

Why can’t we say that Islam is wrong while loving moslem?

Are you saying that Islam is right? Not very Christian of you.
Some of the spelling’s corrected in the second one, so it looks like he/she meant to edit instead of post. :o
I made my signature and then wrote a post. My sig was all messed up I guess I edited mine just in time. (at least I hope I did)
New Guy needs encouragementnot criticism! He’s already put off enough by seemingly condemning attitudes. His questions show integrity. New Guy: The Church does seem controlling at times and to have many rules, but ultimately I think the Church seeks to be both loving and compassionate AND to have well-defined views and boundaries because Jesus demonstrated the same. His commandments point us to the true way of loving and it seems to me the Church embodies this. As humans we need these anchors, these guideposts. I’ve tried the free for all kind of Christianity and its easy to end up going round in circles. I for one need the constraints; they move me on closer to our Lord Jesus and help me receive his Grace. Since finding the Catholic Church I sincerely have more capacity to love and greater desire to ‘do’ for others - including moslems. Aren’t they the neighbor Jesus speaks of? They are people God loves and that’s that.

Enough for now! Goodnight.
There is a great book called “Why Do Catholics Do That?”. It’s a little bit easier to get through than the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The first couple of chapters give you the basis for how Catholicism works (i.e. Bible and Tradition, canon law and dogma, etc.) The rest of the book is in a question/answer format. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking answers about the Catholic faith. Good luck with your search for answers to these tough questions.

P.S. Finding a solid priest who is in union with the Pope for a spiritual director is also a great option.
There is a great book called “Why Do Catholics Do That?”. It’s a little bit easier to get through than the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The first couple of chapters give you the basis for how Catholicism works (i.e. Bible and Tradition, canon law and dogma, etc.) The rest of the book is in a question/answer format. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking answers about the Catholic faith. Good luck with your search for answers to these tough questions.
P.S. Finding a solid priest who is in union with the Pope for a spiritual director is also a great option.
Hi All
I saw this was the very last thread and felt sorry for it so I thought I would bring it back to life.🙂
When souls are at stake the loving thing to do is to share truth. Even when the stakes are lower than that, truth is an intrinsic good.
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