New member requests

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Staff member
At present, I am making my way through a long list of requests to join CQ, and they seem almost without exception to be driven by AI software, "bots", spam generators, or what have you.

I hope I won't exceed my prerogative as one of the moderators, to ask that anyone wishing to join CQ write a short message, saying why they want to join, and what they hope to gain from, or bring to, the forum (or both). It's not strictly required, but it'd be appreciated. That way, I can know that it's not auto-generated.

I am having to dismiss all past requests summarily, as many of them appear to be, as I said, automatically generated, and spam content is not welcome here. Real-life participants, with good intent, are more than welcome, but advertisers, promoters, and a fortiori, prospective bad actors, aren't. Again, just a few words, stating your reasons for interest, would be much appreciated. Any requests that are obviously "spam" will be summarily rejected.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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