New Military Times Poll

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new Military Times poll:

63% of respondents approve of the way President Bush is handling the war.

That’s pretty much what it was right before the election.

60% remain convinced it is a war worth fighting.


-67% of combat vets say the war is worth fighting.

Makes sense- it’s easier to understand it if you’ve seen it.

-nearly half say they expect to be there more than five years.

I include myself with that half- although I don’t think we’ll be at the current strength of presence in 5 years. I doubt we’ll be in Afghanistan in 5 years, but I could be wrong…

-87% say they’re satisfied with their jobs.

Sounds about right.

-25% say they’d leave the service if given the choice today.

Hopefuly, they’ll be able to get out soon.

Compared with last year, the percentages for support for the war and job satisfaction remain essentially unchanged.

If nothing else, we’re consistent.

-A year ago, 77% said they thought the military was stretched too thin to be effective. This year, that number shrank to 66%.

Wow. Imagine that- we believe in ourselves more and more each day.

-75% oppose a military draft.

It’s bad enough that we have those 25% who don’t want to be there (some of these soldiers do a fine job anyway, but many of them are what we call “leadership challenges”)- a draft would boost that number to well over 40%. That would be awful. Nobody wants that. I’m willing to bet that the same 25% who want the draft are the same ones who said they’d leave if given the choice today.

-60% blame Congress for the shortage of body armor in the combat zone.

Especially the ones that vote* for* the appropriations bill, before voting against it. Here’s the best one of all:

-12% say civilian Pentagon policymakers should be held accountable for abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
This agrees with everything my friends still in service tell me – and they seem to look at it like I look at it.
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